
Name / Description Type / Format Example
senderType string "ActingInCapacity" "Agent" "Bureau" "Company" "Employer" "Government" "Individual" "Other" "Partnership" "Trust"
The SenderId used to submit RTI documents to HMRC
string "string"
The Password used to submit RTI documents to HMRC
string "string"
Whether or not to include Employees paid a zero amount on your FPS
boolean true
Whether or not the Bacs Cross Ref field is included on your FPS submissions
This is automatically set to true if you use a bank payments CSV format that supports it
or set to false if not
boolean true
If set to true, we'll automatically send your FPS to HMRC whenever you finalise a PayRun
boolean true
Used for testing the RTI gateway. If set to true then the Document Type name will have "-TIL" appended to it
boolean true
If set to true then your RTI documents will be sent to HMRCs test services instead of the live service
boolean true
If a value is provided then it will be used as the timestamp on the RTI submission. This would normally only be used for testing purposes.
string "string"
contact RtiContact {RtiContact}
agent RtiAgent {RtiAgent}
If set to true this will allow you to submit a combined Employer Payment Summary
boolean true
If set to true this will compress the FPS before submitting to HMRC
boolean true
If set to true, we'll automatically send your EPS to HMRC whenever you finalise a PayRun.
boolean true
  "senderType": "ActingInCapacity",
  "senderId": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "excludeNilPaid": true,
  "includeHashCrossRef": true,
  "autoSubmitFps": true,
  "testInLive": true,
  "useTestGateway": true,
  "overrideTimestampValue": "string",
  "contact": {
    "firstName": "string",
    "lastName": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "telephone": "string"
  "agent": {
    "agentId": "string",
    "company": "string",
    "address": {
      "line1": "string",
      "line2": "string",
      "line3": "string",
      "line4": "string",
      "line5": "string",
      "postCode": "string",
      "country": "England",
      "foreignCountry": "string"
    "contact": {
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "email": "string",
      "telephone": "string"
  "allowLinkedEps": true,
  "shouldCompressFps": true,
  "autoSubmitEps": true
Contained in Models

- none -

Consumed by Operations
Update RtiSubmissionSettings
Completing a Pay Run Review and Submit the FPS