
Name / Description Type / Format Example
id string uuid "string"
name string "string"
accountNo string "string"
portal string "string"
website string "string"
address Contract.Address {Contract.Address}
telephone string "string"
papdisVersion string "PAP10" "PAP11"
papdisProviderId string "string"
papdisEmployerId string "string"
csvFormat string "Papdis" "Nest" "NowPensions" "TeachersPensionMdc" "TeachersPensionMcr" "ScottishWidowsAssistMe" "Aviva" "AvivaEnrolment" "ScottishWidowsWorkplace" "Aegon" "ScottishWidowsWorkplaceEnrolment" "AegonEnrolment" "StandardLifeWorkplaceHub" "PeoplesPension" "StandardLifeWorkplaceHubEnrolment" "PrudentialAvc" "LgpsCivicaUpm" "LgpsIConnect" "StandardLifeGpz" "StandardLifeGpzEnrolment" "Aptis" "AptisEnrolment" "NestEnrolment" "TruePotential" "TruePotentialEnrolment"
If we're sending contributions to an external provider then we'll include all employees that were on the payrun.
If you want to exclude employees that don't have any contributions to report then set this to true.
boolean true
If you need to adjust the reported dates of the contributions then you can do so by setting a non-zero value here.
A negative value of will move the date back in time.
integer int32 0
This field has different uses dependent on the ExternalDataProvider, if any.
For Nest, it indicates whether or not contributions are reported as "Tax Weekly/Monthly" rather than just "Weekly/Monthly"
boolean true
This field has different uses dependent on the ExternalDataProvider, if any.
For Nest, it indicates whether or not to approve payments after submitting contributions
boolean true
This field has different uses dependent on the ExternalDataProvider, if any.
For Nest, it dictates the PaymentSource.
string "string"
This field has different uses dependent on the ExternalDataProvider, if any.
string "string"
The number of days or months that an employee has to Opt out after being enrolled
integer int32 0
Determines whether the value given for OptOutWindow is in Months (true) or days (false)
boolean true
  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "accountNo": "string",
  "portal": "string",
  "website": "string",
  "address": {
    "line1": "string",
    "line2": "string",
    "line3": "string",
    "line4": "string",
    "line5": "string",
    "postCode": "string",
    "country": "England",
    "foreignCountry": "string"
  "telephone": "string",
  "papdisVersion": "PAP10",
  "papdisProviderId": "string",
  "papdisEmployerId": "string",
  "csvFormat": "Papdis",
  "excludeNilPaidFromContributions": true,
  "payPeriodDateAdjustment": 0,
  "miscBoolean1": true,
  "miscBoolean2": true,
  "miscString1": "string",
  "miscString2": "string",
  "optOutWindow": 0,
  "optOutWindowIsMonths": true
Contained in Models
Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -