Used to encapsulate a response for any of the reports.
See the Introduction Guide for Reports for more details
Name / Description | Type / Format | Example | |
The content-type, this would usually be the same as the accept header you provided when you requested the report
This could contain a link to a PDF file, HTML content or other content, depending on the Type value.
byte array
"type": "string",
"content": "string",
"model": {
"singlePayrun": {
"taxYear": "Year2017",
"taxMonth": 0,
"payPeriod": "Custom",
"ordinal": 0,
"period": 0,
"startDate": "2025-03-06",
"endDate": "2025-03-06",
"paymentDate": "2025-03-06",
"employeeCount": 0,
"subContractorCount": 0,
"nonRtiEmployeeCount": 0,
"totals": {
"basicPay": 0.0,
"gross": 0.0,
"grossForNi": 0.0,
"grossForNiNonRti": 0.0,
"grossNotSubjectToEmployersNi": 0.0,
"grossNotSubjectToEmployersNiNonRti": 0.0,
"grossForTax": 0.0,
"employerNi": 0.0,
"employerNiNonRti": 0.0,
"employeeNi": 0.0,
"employeeNiNonRti": 0.0,
"employerNiOffPayroll": 0.0,
"realTimeClass1ANi": 0.0,
"realTimeClass1ANiNonRti": 0.0,
"tax": 0.0,
"taxNonRti": 0.0,
"netPay": 0.0,
"adjustments": 0.0,
"notionalPay": 0.0,
"additions": 0.0,
"deductions": 0.0,
"takeHomePay": 0.0,
"nonTaxOrNICPmt": 0.0,
"itemsSubjectToClass1NIC": 0.0,
"dednsFromNetPay": 0.0,
"tcp_Tcls": 0.0,
"tcp_Pp": 0.0,
"tcp_Op": 0.0,
"flexiDd_Death": 0.0,
"flexiDd_Death_NonTax": 0.0,
"flexiDd_Pension": 0.0,
"flexiDd_Pension_NonTax": 0.0,
"flexiDd_SeriousIllHealth": 0.0,
"flexiDd_SeriousIllHealth_NonTax": 0.0,
"smp": 0.0,
"smpNonRti": 0.0,
"spp": 0.0,
"sppNonRti": 0.0,
"sap": 0.0,
"sapNonRti": 0.0,
"shpp": 0.0,
"shppNonRti": 0.0,
"spbp": 0.0,
"spbpNonRti": 0.0,
"ssp": 0.0,
"sspNonRti": 0.0,
"studentLoanRecovered": 0.0,
"studentLoanRecoveredNonRti": 0.0,
"postgradLoanRecovered": 0.0,
"postgradLoanRecoveredNonRti": 0.0,
"pensionableEarnings": 0.0,
"pensionablePay": 0.0,
"nonTierablePay": 0.0,
"employeePensionContribution": 0.0,
"employeePensionContributionAvc": 0.0,
"employerPensionContribution": 0.0,
"empeePenContribnsNotPaid": 0.0,
"empeePenContribnsPaid": 0.0,
"attachmentOrderDeductions": 0.0,
"cisDeduction": 0.0,
"cisVat": 0.0,
"cisUmbrellaFee": 0.0,
"cisUmbrellaFeePostTax": 0.0,
"pbik": 0.0,
"mapsMiles": 0,
"foreignTaxAmount": 0.0,
"foreignTaxAmountReclaimed": 0.0,
"umbrellaFee": 0.0,
"appLevyDeduction": 0.0,
"paymentAfterLeaving": 0.0,
"taxOnPaymentAfterLeaving": 0.0,
"nilPaid": 0,
"leavers": 0,
"starters": 0,
"p45Gross": 0.0,
"p45Tax": 0.0,
"totalCost": 0.0,
"recoverableAmounts": "error too many levels"
"payslipScheduledDateTime": "2025-03-06",
"state": "Opening",
"isClosed": true,
"isRolledBack": true,
"dateClosed": "2025-03-06T19:12:30",
"autoPilotCloseDate": "2025-03-06",
"entries": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"metadata": {},
"url": "string"
"totalPay": 0.0,
"pension": 0.0,
"aeoFees": 0.0,
"totalCost": 0.0,
"employerNic": 0.0,
"netPayrollCost": 0.0,
"maleCount": 0,
"femaleCount": 0,
"leaverCount": 0,
"joinerCount": 0,
"paymentAfterLeavingCount": 0,
"recoverableAmounts": {
"taxMonth": 0,
"smpRecovered": 0.0,
"sppRecovered": 0.0,
"sapRecovered": 0.0,
"shPPRecovered": 0.0,
"spbpRecovered": 0.0,
"nicCompensationOnSMP": 0.0,
"nicCompensationOnSPP": 0.0,
"nicCompensationOnSAP": 0.0,
"nicCompensationOnShPP": 0.0,
"nicCompensationOnSPBP": 0.0,
"cisDeductionsSuffered": 0.0,
"total": 0.0
"employer": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"metadata": {},
"url": "string"
"payPeriod": "Custom",
"ordinal": 0,
"period": 0,
"periodTo": 0,
"startPeriodName": "string",
"endPeriodName": "string",
"startDate": "2025-03-06",
"endDate": "2025-03-06",
"report": "GrossToNet",
"taxYear": "Year2017",
"title": "string",
"isDraft": true
"stream": "string"