
Name / Description Type / Format Example
name string "string"
provider PensionProvider {PensionProvider}
administrator PensionAdministrator {PensionAdministrator}
pensionRule string "ReliefAtSource" "SalarySacrifice" "NetPayArrangement"
Set to true if this is a Qualifying Scheme for Auto Enrolment
boolean true
Set to true if the provider deals with AutoEnrolment Letters and therefore the system should not generate them
boolean true
subtractBasicRateTax boolean true
payMethod string "Cash" "Cheque" "Credit" "DirectDebit"
bankDetails BankDetails {BankDetails}
If set to true then rather than using the setting on the PayCode to determine if the pay is pensionable
we'll instead treat it as pensionable if the Code is included in CustomPayCodes
boolean true
If set to true then rather than using the setting on the PayCode to determine if the pay is tierable
we'll instead treat it as tierable if the Code is included in TierablePayCustomPayCodes
boolean true
If UseCustomPayCodes is set to true then this contains a list of PayCodes.Code
that we'll treat as being pensionable.
If UseCustomPayCodesForTierablePay is set to true then this contains a list of PayCodes.Code
that we'll treat as being tierable.
A list of WorkerGroups for this Pension. There must always be at least one WorkerGroup
WorkerGroup[] {WorkerGroup}
externalDataProviderId string "SmartPension_Employer" "SmartPension_Adviser" "PeoplesPension" "Xero" "Qbo" "Sage" "Nest" "Cashplus" "BreatheHr" "KashFlow" "Reckon" "FreeAgent" "FreeAgentPm" "Modulr" "Square" "Cezanne" "Ciphr" "Telleroo" "WeWorked" "RotaCloud" "Quinyx" "Csod" "Planday" "Starling" "Deputy" "Bottomline" "Twinfield" "MyePayWindow" "IFinance" "AccountsIQ" "EPaySlips" "NetSuite"
When we retrieve data from an ExternalDataProvider we normalise it so that regardless of the provider the models are the same.
This model is used to represent a Company in an ExternalDataProvider
ExternalDataCompany {ExternalDataCompany}
payCodeType string "Default" "CustomPayCodes" "PayCodeSets"
tierablePayPayCodeType string "Default" "CustomPayCodes" "PayCodeSets"
payCodeSetUniqueId string uuid "string"
tierablePayPayCodeSetUniqueId string uuid "string"
paymentDateRule string "OnPayDate" "OnDayOfWeekAfterPayDate" "OnDayOfMonth"
paymentDateDayOfWeek string "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday"
paymentDateDayOfMonth integer int32 0
reportOptionsLgpsIConnect PensionSchemeReportOptionsLgpsIConnect {PensionSchemeReportOptionsLgpsIConnect}
reportOptionsLgpsCivicaUpm PensionSchemeReportOptionsLgpsCivicaUpm {PensionSchemeReportOptionsLgpsCivicaUpm}
The Ordinal used to identify the PaySchedule which the Deficit will be against
integer int32 0
The Defict value that will be deducted in a PaySchedule
number double 0.0
Set to true if this a Deficit Payment needs to be assigned to a PaySchedule
boolean true
deficitValuePayPeriod string "Custom" "Monthly" "FourWeekly" "Fortnightly" "Weekly" "Daily"
The PensionSchemeNominalCodeMappings used to map the PayCodes to a PensionScheme for the journal configuration
PensionSchemeNominalCodeMapping[] {PensionSchemeNominalCodeMapping}
The unique id of the object
string uuid "string"
  "name": "string",
  "provider": {
    "name": "string",
    "accountNo": "string",
    "portal": "string",
    "website": "string",
    "address": {
      "line1": "string",
      "line2": "string",
      "line3": "string",
      "line4": "string",
      "line5": "string",
      "postCode": "string",
      "country": "England",
      "foreignCountry": "string"
    "telephone": "string",
    "papdisVersion": "PAP10",
    "papdisProviderId": "string",
    "papdisEmployerId": "string",
    "csvFormat": "Papdis",
    "excludeNilPaidFromContributions": true,
    "payPeriodDateAdjustment": 0,
    "miscBoolean1": true,
    "miscBoolean2": true,
    "miscString1": "string",
    "miscString2": "string",
    "optOutWindow": 0,
    "optOutWindowIsMonths": true,
    "id": "string"
  "administrator": {
    "name": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "address": {
      "line1": "string",
      "line2": "string",
      "line3": "string",
      "line4": "string",
      "line5": "string",
      "postCode": "string",
      "country": "England",
      "foreignCountry": "string"
    "telephone": "string",
    "id": "string"
  "pensionRule": "ReliefAtSource",
  "qualifyingScheme": true,
  "disableAeLetters": true,
  "subtractBasicRateTax": true,
  "payMethod": "Cash",
  "bankDetails": {
    "bankName": "string",
    "bankBranch": "string",
    "bankReference": "string",
    "accountName": "string",
    "accountNumber": "string",
    "sortCode": "string",
    "note": "string",
    "buildingSocietyRollNumber": "string"
  "useCustomPayCodes": true,
  "useCustomPayCodesForTierablePay": true,
  "customPayCodes": [
  "tierablePayCustomPayCodes": [
  "workerGroups": [
      "name": "string",
      "contributionLevelType": "UserDefined",
      "employeeContribution": 0.0,
      "employeeContributionIsPercentage": true,
      "employerContribution": 0.0,
      "employerContributionIsPercentage": true,
      "employerContributionTopUpPercentage": 0.0,
      "employerContributionIncludesNiSaving": true,
      "employerContributionNiSavingPercentage": 0.0,
      "isAvc": true,
      "additionalVoluntaryContribution": 0.0,
      "avcIsPercentage": true,
      "employerContributionNiSaving": 0.0,
      "customThreshold": true,
      "lowerLimit": 0.0,
      "upperLimit": 0.0,
      "papdisGroup": "string",
      "papdisSubGroup": "string",
      "localAuthorityNumber": "string",
      "schoolEmployerType": "string",
      "matIdentifier": "string",
      "matUniqueNumber": "string",
      "employerReference": "string",
      "lgpsFund": "Avon",
      "workerGroupId": "string",
      "assumedPensionablePay": "AssumedPensionablePay",
      "pensionablePayDefinition": "NotApplicable",
      "payslipDescription": "string",
      "id": "string"
  "externalDataProviderId": "SmartPension_Employer",
  "externalDataCompany": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "schemeName": "string"
  "payCodeType": "Default",
  "tierablePayPayCodeType": "Default",
  "payCodeSetUniqueId": "string",
  "tierablePayPayCodeSetUniqueId": "string",
  "paymentDateRule": "OnPayDate",
  "paymentDateDayOfWeek": "Sunday",
  "paymentDateDayOfMonth": 0,
  "reportOptionsLgpsIConnect": {
    "fileType": "SingleFile",
    "payrollReference1": "Empty",
    "payrollReference2": "Empty",
    "payrollReference3": "Empty",
    "populateEmailAddress": true,
    "populateTelephoneNumber": true,
    "populateMobileNumber": true,
    "populateWorksPlaceName": true,
    "populateWorksAddress": true,
    "populateWorksEmailAddress": true,
    "includeEmploymentBreaks": true,
    "breakReasonSmpIndicatorOnly": true,
    "populateMaritalStatus": true,
    "includeAeQualifyingEarnings": true,
    "proRatePtHoursByTermTimeWeeks": true,
    "ignoreTermTimeWeeksForFteFinalPay": true,
    "showFteAnnualSalaryForFteFinalPay": true,
    "casualStaffHoursAsOne": true,
    "casualStaffIndicatorAsY": true,
    "ignoreHours": true,
    "forceUpperCase": true,
    "salaryType": "PayOnJoining",
    "customText": "string"
  "reportOptionsLgpsCivicaUpm": {
    "payrollNumber": "PayrollCode",
    "casualHours": "ReportAsZero",
    "omitHeaderLine": true,
    "includeFolderNo": true,
    "excludeSchoolEmployerName": true,
    "addressesForNewJoinersOnly": true,
    "proRatePtHoursWeeksWorked": true,
    "fullTimeHoursAsOneHundred": true,
    "includeWeeksWorkedColumns": true
  "deficitValueOrdinal": 0,
  "deficitValue": 0.0,
  "includeDeficitValue": true,
  "deficitValuePayPeriod": "Custom",
  "nominalCodeMappings": [
      "nominalCode": "string",
      "nominalName": "string",
      "journalNarrative": "string",
      "payCode": "string"
  "id": "string"