
Name / Description Type / Format Example
This model is right at the very heart of the software.
There is a PayRun for each period in which people are paid.
PayRun {PayRun}
totalPay number double 0.0
pension number double 0.0
aeoFees number double 0.0
totalCost number double 0.0
employerNic number double 0.0
netPayrollCost number double 0.0
maleCount integer int32 0
femaleCount integer int32 0
leaverCount integer int32 0
joinerCount integer int32 0
paymentAfterLeavingCount integer int32 0
recoverableAmounts RecoverableAmounts {RecoverableAmounts}
employer Item {Item}
payPeriod string "Custom" "Monthly" "FourWeekly" "Fortnightly" "Weekly" "Daily"
ordinal integer int32 0
period integer int32 0
periodTo integer int32 0
startPeriodName string "string"
endPeriodName string "string"
startDate string date "2025-02-01"
endDate string date "2025-02-01"
report string "GrossToNet" "GrossToNetCis" "PayrunPayments" "Furlough" "PensionContribs" "Journal" "HourlyPay" "UmbrellaReconciliation" "UmbrellaStatement" "StatutoryPay" "CostAnalysis" "CostOfEmployment" "FullSummaryOfPay" "P11" "P11d" "P30" "P32" "P45" "P60" "EmployeeExport" "RightToWork" "AeoStatement" "HolidayAllowances" "HolidayPayAccruals" "AeAssessments" "CisStatement" "SubcontractorSummary" "PayrollAnalysis" "VarianceReport" "P11Detailed" "NiLetterValidation" "Ytd" "TaxCodeChanges" "EmployeeBenefits" "MemberEnrolment" "AttachmentOrders" "NiYtd" "ApprenticeshipLevy" "TeachersPensionEoy" "MaternitySchedule" "PaySpine" "SpinePoint" "PayGrades" "PaySpineAllowances" "AverageHolidayPayRate" "EmployeeRoleExport" "HolidayPayAccrualsHours" "GenderPayGap" "PensionMemberships" "PayElement" "LoanBalances" "EmployeeLeave" "AdvancedVarianceReport"
taxYear string "Year2017" "Year2018" "Year2019" "Year2020" "Year2021" "Year2022" "Year2023" "Year2024"
title string "string"
isDraft boolean true
  "singlePayrun": {
    "taxYear": "Year2017",
    "taxMonth": 0,
    "payPeriod": "Custom",
    "ordinal": 0,
    "period": 0,
    "startDate": "2025-02-01",
    "endDate": "2025-02-01",
    "paymentDate": "2025-02-01",
    "employeeCount": 0,
    "subContractorCount": 0,
    "nonRtiEmployeeCount": 0,
    "totals": {
      "basicPay": 0.0,
      "gross": 0.0,
      "grossForNi": 0.0,
      "grossForNiNonRti": 0.0,
      "grossNotSubjectToEmployersNi": 0.0,
      "grossNotSubjectToEmployersNiNonRti": 0.0,
      "grossForTax": 0.0,
      "employerNi": 0.0,
      "employerNiNonRti": 0.0,
      "employeeNi": 0.0,
      "employeeNiNonRti": 0.0,
      "employerNiOffPayroll": 0.0,
      "realTimeClass1ANi": 0.0,
      "realTimeClass1ANiNonRti": 0.0,
      "tax": 0.0,
      "taxNonRti": 0.0,
      "netPay": 0.0,
      "adjustments": 0.0,
      "notionalPay": 0.0,
      "additions": 0.0,
      "deductions": 0.0,
      "takeHomePay": 0.0,
      "nonTaxOrNICPmt": 0.0,
      "itemsSubjectToClass1NIC": 0.0,
      "dednsFromNetPay": 0.0,
      "tcp_Tcls": 0.0,
      "tcp_Pp": 0.0,
      "tcp_Op": 0.0,
      "flexiDd_Death": 0.0,
      "flexiDd_Death_NonTax": 0.0,
      "flexiDd_Pension": 0.0,
      "flexiDd_Pension_NonTax": 0.0,
      "flexiDd_SeriousIllHealth": 0.0,
      "flexiDd_SeriousIllHealth_NonTax": 0.0,
      "smp": 0.0,
      "smpNonRti": 0.0,
      "spp": 0.0,
      "sppNonRti": 0.0,
      "sap": 0.0,
      "sapNonRti": 0.0,
      "shpp": 0.0,
      "shppNonRti": 0.0,
      "spbp": 0.0,
      "spbpNonRti": 0.0,
      "ssp": 0.0,
      "sspNonRti": 0.0,
      "studentLoanRecovered": 0.0,
      "studentLoanRecoveredNonRti": 0.0,
      "postgradLoanRecovered": 0.0,
      "postgradLoanRecoveredNonRti": 0.0,
      "pensionableEarnings": 0.0,
      "pensionablePay": 0.0,
      "nonTierablePay": 0.0,
      "employeePensionContribution": 0.0,
      "employeePensionContributionAvc": 0.0,
      "employerPensionContribution": 0.0,
      "empeePenContribnsNotPaid": 0.0,
      "empeePenContribnsPaid": 0.0,
      "attachmentOrderDeductions": 0.0,
      "cisDeduction": 0.0,
      "cisVat": 0.0,
      "cisUmbrellaFee": 0.0,
      "cisUmbrellaFeePostTax": 0.0,
      "pbik": 0.0,
      "mapsMiles": 0,
      "foreignTaxAmount": 0.0,
      "foreignTaxAmountReclaimed": 0.0,
      "umbrellaFee": 0.0,
      "appLevyDeduction": 0.0,
      "paymentAfterLeaving": 0.0,
      "taxOnPaymentAfterLeaving": 0.0,
      "nilPaid": 0,
      "leavers": 0,
      "starters": 0,
      "p45Gross": 0.0,
      "p45Tax": 0.0,
      "totalCost": 0.0,
      "recoverableAmounts": {
        "taxMonth": 0,
        "smpRecovered": 0.0,
        "sppRecovered": 0.0,
        "sapRecovered": 0.0,
        "shPPRecovered": 0.0,
        "spbpRecovered": 0.0,
        "nicCompensationOnSMP": 0.0,
        "nicCompensationOnSPP": 0.0,
        "nicCompensationOnSAP": 0.0,
        "nicCompensationOnShPP": 0.0,
        "nicCompensationOnSPBP": 0.0,
        "cisDeductionsSuffered": 0.0,
        "total": 0.0
    "payslipScheduledDateTime": "2025-02-01",
    "state": "Opening",
    "isClosed": true,
    "isRolledBack": true,
    "dateClosed": "2025-02-01T15:56:20",
    "autoPilotCloseDate": "2025-02-01",
    "entries": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "metadata": {},
        "url": "string"
  "totalPay": 0.0,
  "pension": 0.0,
  "aeoFees": 0.0,
  "totalCost": 0.0,
  "employerNic": 0.0,
  "netPayrollCost": 0.0,
  "maleCount": 0,
  "femaleCount": 0,
  "leaverCount": 0,
  "joinerCount": 0,
  "paymentAfterLeavingCount": 0,
  "recoverableAmounts": {
    "taxMonth": 0,
    "smpRecovered": 0.0,
    "sppRecovered": 0.0,
    "sapRecovered": 0.0,
    "shPPRecovered": 0.0,
    "spbpRecovered": 0.0,
    "nicCompensationOnSMP": 0.0,
    "nicCompensationOnSPP": 0.0,
    "nicCompensationOnSAP": 0.0,
    "nicCompensationOnShPP": 0.0,
    "nicCompensationOnSPBP": 0.0,
    "cisDeductionsSuffered": 0.0,
    "total": 0.0
  "employer": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "metadata": {},
    "url": "string"
  "payPeriod": "Custom",
  "ordinal": 0,
  "period": 0,
  "periodTo": 0,
  "startPeriodName": "string",
  "endPeriodName": "string",
  "startDate": "2025-02-01",
  "endDate": "2025-02-01",
  "report": "GrossToNet",
  "taxYear": "Year2017",
  "title": "string",
  "isDraft": true
Contained in Models
Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -