
Name / Description Type / Format Example
payrollCode string "string"
lastName string "string"
department StringDecimalKeyValuePair {StringDecimalKeyValuePair}
costCentre StringDecimalKeyValuePair {StringDecimalKeyValuePair}
employeeRoleAnalysisCategory object {object}
lines PayrollAnalysisCostBreakdownReportValue[] {PayrollAnalysisCostBreakdownReportValue}
totalPay number double 0.0
niablePay number double 0.0
pensionPay number double 0.0
niPercent number double 0.0
ersNi number double 0.0
pensionPercent number double 0.0
ersPension number double 0.0
taxablePay number double 0.0
taxablePercent number double 0.0
employeeNi number double 0.0
taxPaid number double 0.0
studentLoan number double 0.0
The value of the Pension Contribution(PENSION) being made by the Employee
number double 0.0
The value of the Pension Contribution Salary Sacrifice(PENSIONSS) being made by the Employee
number double 0.0
The value of the Pension Contribution Relief At Source(PENSIONRAS) being made by the Employee
number double 0.0
List of pension summaries, each representing a breakdown of various pension components
PensionSummaryCostBreakdown[] {PensionSummaryCostBreakdown}
RoleId of that particular line entry
string uuid "string"
Weightage value of the given employee role
number double 0.0
  "payrollCode": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "department": {
    "key": "string",
    "value": 0.0
  "costCentre": {
    "key": "string",
    "value": 0.0
  "employeeRoleAnalysisCategory": {},
  "lines": [
      "qty": 0.0,
      "code": "string",
      "value": 0.0
  "totalPay": 0.0,
  "niablePay": 0.0,
  "pensionPay": 0.0,
  "niPercent": 0.0,
  "ersNi": 0.0,
  "pensionPercent": 0.0,
  "ersPension": 0.0,
  "taxablePay": 0.0,
  "taxablePercent": 0.0,
  "employeeNi": 0.0,
  "taxPaid": 0.0,
  "studentLoan": 0.0,
  "employeePension": 0.0,
  "employeePensionContributionSalarySacrifice": 0.0,
  "employeePensionContributionReliefAtSource": 0.0,
  "pensionSummaryCostBreakdowns": [
      "pensionRule": "ReliefAtSource",
      "payCodes": [
      "amount": 0.0,
      "pensionableEarnings": 0.0,
      "employeePensionContribution": 0.0,
      "employerPensionContribution": 0.0
  "roleId": "string",
  "roleWeightage": 0.0
Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -