
Name / Description Type / Format Example
type string "BasicPay" "Gross" "Net" "Nic" "Tax" "Cis"
code string "string"
description string "string"
secondaryDescription string "string"
value number double 0.0
If the Code is a multiplier code then this is the multiplier. Value has already been calculated so this is just for reference
number double 0.0
The Id of the associated AttachmentOrder. Only included if the Code is AEO
string uuid "string"
The Id of the associated Pension. Only included if the Code is PENSION, PENSIONSS or PENSIONRAS
string uuid "string"
The Id of the associated Loan, if any.
string uuid "string"
currencySymbol string "string"
formattedValue string "string"
If the PayLine is a fixed ammount addition without multiplier then this property may be set to true so that the amount of the addition to be considered a take home pay target.
boolean true
The orginal net fixed addition amount that is considered to be a take home pay target.
number double 0.0
leaveId string uuid "string"
The employee role which is associated with this payslip line.
If set to null, the payslip line is not related with a role.
string uuid "string"
isAutoCalculatedBackPayLine boolean true
isAutomaticBackPay boolean true
hasSecondaryDescription boolean true
contributesToBasicPay boolean true
Determines whether the transaction involves non-monetary benefits for payroll processing, potentially subject to tax and National Insurance
boolean true
  "type": "BasicPay",
  "code": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "secondaryDescription": "string",
  "value": 0.0,
  "multiplier": 0.0,
  "attachmentOrderId": "string",
  "pensionId": "string",
  "loanId": "string",
  "currencySymbol": "string",
  "formattedValue": "string",
  "isNetToGross": true,
  "targetNetToGrossValue": 0.0,
  "leaveId": "string",
  "roleId": "string",
  "isAutoCalculatedBackPayLine": true,
  "isAutomaticBackPay": true,
  "hasSecondaryDescription": true,
  "contributesToBasicPay": true,
  "isNotional": true
Contained in Models
Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -