
Name / Description Type / Format Example
Analysis category id and analysiscategoryCode json
string "string"
The amount to add or deduct (whether it is a deduction or addition depends on the PayCode used).
If the PayCode has a CalculationType other than FixedAmount then this field will be a percentage.
If the PayCode has a MultiplierType other than None then this field will be readonly and automatically calculated.
number double 0.0
If the related PayCode has a MultiplierType other than None then this field will be used as the rate per day or hour. Otherwise it isn't used
number double 0.0
If the related PayCode has a MultiplierType other than None then this field will be used as number of days or hours
number double 0.0
A freeform description to accompany this line. It will be displayed on the payslip.
string "string"
The Code of the PayCode this line is assigned to. The PayCode determines the treatment of this line when it comes to NI, Tax and Pensions as well as whether it's a deduction or addition.
string "string"
tags string[]
childId string uuid "string"
If the PayLine is a fixed ammount addition without multiplier then this property may be set to true so that the amount of the addition to be considered a take home pay target.
boolean true
The orginal net fixed addition amount that is considered to be a take home pay target.
number double 0.0
The discrepancy between the targeted and the calculated grossed up value durig a net to gross calculation.
number double 0.0
The date the payline starts being calculated in payrun
string date "2024-10-23"
The date the payline stops being calculated in payrun
string date "2024-10-23"
isAutoGeneratedBasicPayLine boolean true
The percentage of working days the effective dates span for pro-rata'ing values, calculated/set during each payrun
number double 0.0
totalWorkingDays number double 0.0
This sets whether the PayLine should be automatically adjusted or not for:
Leave Entries;
PayLine effectiveFrom and effectiveTo values falling mid-way through a PayRun
boolean true
Automatically calculate backpay and add or modify the necessary pay lines for this addition/deduction when a pay run is created.
Applicable only to employee level addition/deduction pay lines.
If set to false then you must manually handle the calculation and adding of backpay lines.
boolean true
Skip the automatic backpay calculation on the first pay run, if the addition/deduction had been paid outside or Staffology.
If set to false, the automatic backpay calculation will be performed on the first pay run.
boolean true
Indicates whether this PayLine contributes to the basic pay of the Employee.
boolean true
Indicates whether this pay line should be treated as When Paid rather than When Earned
boolean true
totalPaidDays number double 0.0
The employee role which is associated with this pay line.
If set to null, the pay line is not related with a role.
string uuid "string"
earnedFrom string date "2024-10-23"
earnedTo string date "2024-10-23"
The original value from the PayLine before we modify it
Currently only used when CalculationType is set to FixedAnnualAmount
so we can determine whether the payline value needs calculating or not
To recalculate set to null with annual amount recorded in Value
number double 0.0
Department code which we want to override in payline
string "string"
CostCentre code which we want to override in payline
string "string"
Department uniqueId which we want to override in payline
string uuid "string"
CostCentre uniqueId which we want to override in payline
string uuid "string"
List of analysiscategory id and analysiscategoryCode id
Contract.PaylineAnalysisCategoriesCodes[] {Contract.PaylineAnalysisCategoriesCodes}
Array of analysiscategoryCode uniqueId
The Id of the associated pay spine.
string uuid "string"
The Id of the associated pay spine grade.
string uuid "string"
The Id of the associated spinal point.
string uuid "string"
Used to set London allowance id for payline
integer int32 0
Used to set Full Time Annual Value for payline
number double 0.0
  "analysisCategoryCodesJson": "string",
  "value": 0.0,
  "rate": 0.0,
  "multiplier": 0.0,
  "description": "string",
  "code": "string",
  "tags": [
  "childId": "string",
  "isNetToGross": true,
  "targetNetToGrossValue": 0.0,
  "netToGrossDiscrepancy": 0.0,
  "effectiveFrom": "2024-10-23",
  "effectiveTo": "2024-10-23",
  "isAutoGeneratedBasicPayLine": true,
  "percentageOfEffectiveDays": 0.0,
  "totalWorkingDays": 0.0,
  "autoAdjustForLeave": true,
  "isAutomaticBackPay": true,
  "ignoreInitialBackPay": true,
  "contributesToBasicPay": true,
  "calculateAsWhenPaid": true,
  "totalPaidDays": 0.0,
  "roleId": "string",
  "earnedFrom": "2024-10-23",
  "earnedTo": "2024-10-23",
  "annualValue": 0.0,
  "department": "string",
  "costCentre": "string",
  "departmentId": "string",
  "costCentreId": "string",
  "analysisCategoriesCodes": [
      "analysisCategory": "string",
      "analysisCategoryCode": "string",
      "analysisCategoryId": "string",
      "analysisCategoryCodeId": "string"
  "analysisCategoryCodeIds": [
  "paySpineId": "string",
  "paySpineGradeId": "string",
  "spinalPointId": "string",
  "londonAllowanceId": 0,
  "fullTimeAnnualValue": 0.0
Contained in Models
Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -