
Each PayLine has a Code. The Code will match the Code property of a PayCode.
The PayCode that is used determines how the amount is treated with regards to tax, NI and pensions

Name / Description Type / Format Example
title string "string"
code string "string"
If a non-zero value is provided then when this code is selected in our UI the value will be automatically filled.
number double 0.0
If set to true then a PayLine using this code will be treated as a deduction as opposed to an addition.
boolean true
Determines whether or not the value of PayLines using this code should be taken into consideration when calculating National Insurance Contributions.
boolean true
Determines whether or not the value of PayLines using this code should be taken into consideration when calculating the PAYE liability.
boolean true
Determines whether or not the value of PayLines using this code should be taken into consideration when calculating the total pensionable pay.
boolean true
Determines whether or not the value of PayLines using this code should be taken into consideration when calculating the attachable pay for AttachmentOrders.
boolean true
Determines whether or not the value of PayLines using this code are subject to real time Class 1A NIC.
boolean true
If true then any payments made using this code will not contribute towards holiday pay calculations.
boolean true
If true then any payments made using this code will be used as the basis for calculating QualifyingEarnings for AutoEnrolment assessments.
If it is set to null then when it's next retrieved it'll have the same value as PensionablePay
boolean true
If true then any payments made using this code will not be included when calculating the tier an employee should be on for a Tiered Pension.
boolean true
If true then any payments made using this code will be reported as
a Trivial Commutation Payment (A - TCLS)
boolean true
If true then any payments made using this code will be reported as
a Trivial Commutation Payment (B - Personal Pension)
boolean true
If true then any payments made using this code will be reported as
a Trivial Commutation Payment (C - Occupational Pension)
boolean true
flexibleDrawdown string "None" "DeathBenefit" "Pension" "SeriousIllHealth"
Can be used to inform a User to what default value to set for PayLine.autoAdjustForLeave for new lines created.
boolean true
calculationType string "FixedAmount" "PercentageOfGross" "PercentageOfNet" "MultipleOfHourlyRate" "MultipleOfDailyRate" "FixedAnnualAmount"
multiplierType string "None" "Hours" "Days"
If the MultiplierType is MultipleOfDailyRate then this sets the multiple to be used, ie 1.5
number double 0.0
If the MultiplierType is MultipleOfHourlyRate then this sets the multiple to be used, ie 1.5
number double 0.0
System Codes cannot be deleted or edited
boolean true
Control Codes cannot be deleted or edited nor can PayLines be assigned to them.
boolean true
Determines whether the transaction involves non-monetary benefits for payroll processing, potentially subject to tax and National Insurance.
boolean true
If true then any payments made using this code will be reported as
a Lump Sums (A - SALS)
boolean true
If true then any payments made using this code will be reported as
a Lump Sums (B - PCELS)
boolean true
The Id of the Payee, if any, that deductions are to be paid to.
string uuid "string"
  "title": "string",
  "code": "string",
  "defaultValue": 0.0,
  "isDeduction": true,
  "isNiable": true,
  "isTaxable": true,
  "isPensionable": true,
  "isAttachable": true,
  "isRealTimeClass1aNiable": true,
  "isNotContributingToHolidayPay": true,
  "isQualifyingEarningsForAe": true,
  "isNotTierable": true,
  "isTcp_Tcls": true,
  "isTcp_Pp": true,
  "isTcp_Op": true,
  "flexibleDrawdown": "None",
  "isAutoAdjust": true,
  "calculationType": "FixedAmount",
  "multiplierType": "None",
  "dailyRateMultiplier": 0.0,
  "hourlyRateMultiplier": 0.0,
  "isSystemCode": true,
  "isControlCode": true,
  "isNotional": true,
  "isStandAloneLumpSum": true,
  "isPensionExcessLumpSum": true,
  "payee": "string"
Completing a Pay Run Review the PayRun