
A P11 Report summarises payments and deductions made to an employee.
Our Reports API can return this to you in many formats including as a PDF file
If you request is as a JSOn object then it is represented using this model.

Name / Description Type / Format Example
employerName string "string"
payrollCode string "string"
employerOfficeNo string "string"
employerPayeRef string "string"
firstname string "string"
surname string "string"
niNumber string "string"
taxCode string "string"
dateOfBirth string date "2025-03-06"
joinDate string date "2025-03-06"
leaveDate string date "2025-03-06"
lines P11Line[] {P11Line}
report string "GrossToNet" "GrossToNetCis" "PayrunPayments" "Furlough" "PensionContribs" "Journal" "HourlyPay" "UmbrellaReconciliation" "UmbrellaStatement" "StatutoryPay" "CostAnalysis" "CostOfEmployment" "FullSummaryOfPay" "P11" "P11d" "P30" "P32" "P45" "P60" "EmployeeExport" "RightToWork" "AeoStatement" "HolidayAllowances" "HolidayPayAccruals" "AeAssessments" "CisStatement" "SubcontractorSummary" "PayrollAnalysis" "VarianceReport" "P11Detailed" "NiLetterValidation" "Ytd" "TaxCodeChanges" "EmployeeBenefits" "MemberEnrolment" "AttachmentOrders" "NiYtd" "ApprenticeshipLevy" "TeachersPensionEoy" "MaternitySchedule" "PaySpine" "SpinePoint" "PayGrades" "PaySpineAllowances" "AverageHolidayPayRate" "EmployeeRoleExport" "HolidayPayAccrualsHours" "GenderPayGap" "PensionMemberships" "PayElement" "LoanBalances" "EmployeeLeave" "AdvancedVarianceReport"
taxYear string "Year2017" "Year2018" "Year2019" "Year2020" "Year2021" "Year2022" "Year2023" "Year2024"
title string "string"
isDraft boolean true
  "employerName": "string",
  "payrollCode": "string",
  "employerOfficeNo": "string",
  "employerPayeRef": "string",
  "firstname": "string",
  "surname": "string",
  "niNumber": "string",
  "taxCode": "string",
  "dateOfBirth": "2025-03-06",
  "joinDate": "2025-03-06",
  "leaveDate": "2025-03-06",
  "lines": [
      "date": "2025-03-06",
      "period": "string",
      "grossTaxablePay": 0.0,
      "grossTaxablePayYTD": 0.0,
      "tax": 0.0,
      "taxYTD": 0.0,
      "smpYTD": 0.0,
      "sppYTD": 0.0,
      "sapYTD": 0.0,
      "shppYTD": 0.0,
      "spbpYTD": 0.0,
      "studentLoanYTD": 0.0,
      "postgradLoanYTD": 0.0,
      "niValues": [
          "table": "string",
          "period": 0.0,
          "ytd": 0.0
  "report": "GrossToNet",
  "taxYear": "Year2017",
  "title": "string",
  "isDraft": true
Contained in Models
Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -