
If you don't want to use our customisable PDFs for Payslips then you can retrieve the raw data used to create a Payslip.
This is the model you will be provided with for each employee.

Name / Description Type / Format Example
Indicates if the Payrun has been finalised
boolean true
taxYear string "Year2017" "Year2018" "Year2019" "Year2020" "Year2021" "Year2022" "Year2023" "Year2024"
payPeriod string "Custom" "Monthly" "FourWeekly" "Fortnightly" "Weekly" "Daily"
periodNumber integer int32 0
A description of the period that Payslip relates to.
string "string"
The start date of the period this Payslip covers.
string date "2025-03-06"
The end date of the period this Payslip covers.
string date "2025-03-06"
The date the Employee will be paid on
string date "2025-03-06"
Any note that should appear on the payslip
string "string"
Details of remaining allowance to show on payslip
string "string"
employee Item {Item}
The Logo to include on the payslip
string "string"
employer Item {Item}
employerAddress Address {Address}
hmrcDetails HmrcDetails {HmrcDetails}
This object forms the basis of the Employees payment.
PayOptions {PayOptions}
employmentDetails EmploymentDetails {EmploymentDetails}
personalDetails PersonalDetails {PersonalDetails}
Used to represent totals for a PayRun or PayRunEntry.
If a value is 0 then it will not be shown in the JSON.
PayRunTotals {PayRunTotals}
Used to represent totals for a PayRun or PayRunEntry.
If a value is 0 then it will not be shown in the JSON.
PayRunTotals {PayRunTotals}
The lines to display on the Payslip
PayslipLine[] {PayslipLine}
The Employer NI Contribution amount
number double 0.0
The Employer Pension Contribution Amount
number double 0.0
The employees Department Membership(s) at the time the payrun was finalised
StringDecimalKeyValuePair[] {StringDecimalKeyValuePair}
umbrellaPayment UmbrellaPayment {UmbrellaPayment}
The employees Cost Centre Membership(s) only populated when creating journals
StringDecimalKeyValuePair[] {StringDecimalKeyValuePair}
The EmployeeRoleAnalysisCategoryCodes only populated when creating journals
EmployeeRoleAnalysisCategoryCode[] {EmployeeRoleAnalysisCategoryCode}
The Employee Cost Centre Membership(s) by role only populated when creating journals
EmployeeCostCentre[] {EmployeeCostCentre}
The Employee Department Membership(s) by role only populated when creating journals
DepartmentMembership[] {DepartmentMembership}
The Pension Employer contribution by role only populated when creating journals
Item[] {Item}
The list of Employer Pension Contribution(s)
EmployerPensionContribution[] {EmployerPensionContribution}
  "isClosed": true,
  "taxYear": "Year2017",
  "payPeriod": "Custom",
  "periodNumber": 0,
  "period": "string",
  "from": "2025-03-06",
  "to": "2025-03-06",
  "paymentDate": "2025-03-06",
  "note": "string",
  "allowanceNote": "string",
  "employee": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "metadata": {},
    "url": "string"
  "logoUrl": "string",
  "employer": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "metadata": {},
    "url": "string"
  "employerAddress": {
    "line1": "string",
    "line2": "string",
    "line3": "string",
    "line4": "string",
    "line5": "string",
    "postCode": "string",
    "country": "England",
    "foreignCountry": "string"
  "hmrcDetails": {
    "officeNumber": "string",
    "payeReference": "string",
    "accountsOfficeReference": "string",
    "econ": "string",
    "utr": "string",
    "coTax": "string",
    "employmentAllowance": true,
    "employmentAllowanceMaxClaim": 0.0,
    "smallEmployersRelief": true,
    "apprenticeshipLevy": true,
    "apprenticeshipLevyAllowance": 0.0,
    "quarterlyPaymentSchedule": true,
    "includeEmploymentAllowanceOnMonthlyJournal": true,
    "carryForwardUnpaidLiabilities": true,
    "paymentDateRule": "OnPayDate",
    "paymentDateDayOfMonth": 0,
    "id": "string"
  "payOptions": {
    "period": "Custom",
    "ordinal": 0,
    "method": "Cash",
    "withholdTaxRefundIfPayIsZero": true,
    "taxAndNi": {
      "niTable": "string",
      "secondaryClass1NotPayable": true,
      "postgradLoan": true,
      "postgraduateLoanStartDate": "2025-03-06",
      "postgraduateLoanEndDate": "2025-03-06",
      "studentLoan": "None",
      "studentLoanStartDate": "2025-03-06",
      "studentLoanEndDate": "2025-03-06",
      "taxCode": "string",
      "week1Month1": true,
      "foreignTaxCredit": true
    "fpsFields": {
      "offPayrollWorker": true,
      "irregularPaymentPattern": true,
      "nonIndividual": true,
      "hoursNormallyWorked": "LessThan16",
      "excludeFromRtiSubmissions": true
    "tags": [
    "basis": "Hourly",
    "nationalMinimumWage": true,
    "payCode": "string",
    "mileageVehicleType": "Car",
    "mapsMiles": 0,
    "payAmount": 0.0,
    "payAmountMultiplier": 0.0,
    "baseHourlyRate": 0.0,
    "baseDailyRate": 0.0,
    "basicPay": 0.0,
    "autoAdjustForLeave": true,
    "niTable": "string",
    "regularPayLines": [
        "value": 0.0,
        "rate": 0.0,
        "multiplier": 0.0,
        "description": "string",
        "attachmentOrderId": "string",
        "pensionId": "string",
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        "loanId": "string",
        "leaveStatutoryDaysPaid": 0.0,
        "leaveStatutoryWeeksPaid": 0.0,
        "code": "string",
        "tags": [
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        "isNetToGross": true,
        "targetNetToGrossValue": 0.0,
        "netToGrossDiscrepancy": 0.0,
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        "effectiveTo": "2025-03-06",
        "department": "string",
        "costCentre": "string",
        "departmentId": "string",
        "costCentreId": "string",
        "isAutoGeneratedBasicPayLine": true,
        "percentageOfEffectiveDays": 0.0,
        "totalWorkingDays": 0.0,
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        "ignoreInitialBackPay": true,
        "initialBackPayPublicPayRunId": "string",
        "autoAdjustForLeave": true,
        "contributesToBasicPay": true,
        "calculateAsWhenPaid": true,
        "totalPaidDays": 0.0,
        "roleId": "string",
        "employeeRoleReference": "string",
        "earnedFrom": "2025-03-06",
        "earnedTo": "2025-03-06",
        "periodFrom": "2025-03-06",
        "periodTo": "2025-03-06",
        "annualValue": 0.0,
        "parentId": "string",
        "isAutoCalculatedBackPayLine": true,
        "isZeroHoursTeachersBackPayLine": true,
        "analysisCategoriesCodes": [
            "analysisCategory": "string",
            "analysisCategoryCode": "string",
            "analysisCategoryId": "string",
            "analysisCategoryCodeId": "string"
        "analysisCategoryCodeIds": [
        "paySpineId": "string",
        "paySpineGradeId": "string",
        "spinalPointId": "string",
        "londonAllowanceId": 0,
        "fullTimeAnnualValue": 0.0,
        "paySpine": "string",
        "payGrade": "string",
        "spinePoint": "string"
    "excludedRegularPayLines": [
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        "rate": 0.0,
        "multiplier": 0.0,
        "description": "string",
        "attachmentOrderId": "string",
        "pensionId": "string",
        "leaveId": "string",
        "loanId": "string",
        "leaveStatutoryDaysPaid": 0.0,
        "leaveStatutoryWeeksPaid": 0.0,
        "code": "string",
        "tags": [
        "childId": "string",
        "isNetToGross": true,
        "targetNetToGrossValue": 0.0,
        "netToGrossDiscrepancy": 0.0,
        "effectiveFrom": "2025-03-06",
        "effectiveTo": "2025-03-06",
        "department": "string",
        "costCentre": "string",
        "departmentId": "string",
        "costCentreId": "string",
        "isAutoGeneratedBasicPayLine": true,
        "percentageOfEffectiveDays": 0.0,
        "totalWorkingDays": 0.0,
        "isAutomaticBackPay": true,
        "ignoreInitialBackPay": true,
        "initialBackPayPublicPayRunId": "string",
        "autoAdjustForLeave": true,
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        "calculateAsWhenPaid": true,
        "totalPaidDays": 0.0,
        "roleId": "string",
        "employeeRoleReference": "string",
        "earnedFrom": "2025-03-06",
        "earnedTo": "2025-03-06",
        "periodFrom": "2025-03-06",
        "periodTo": "2025-03-06",
        "annualValue": 0.0,
        "parentId": "string",
        "isAutoCalculatedBackPayLine": true,
        "isZeroHoursTeachersBackPayLine": true,
        "analysisCategoriesCodes": [
            "analysisCategory": "string",
            "analysisCategoryCode": "string",
            "analysisCategoryId": "string",
            "analysisCategoryCodeId": "string"
        "analysisCategoryCodeIds": [
        "paySpineId": "string",
        "paySpineGradeId": "string",
        "spinalPointId": "string",
        "londonAllowanceId": 0,
        "fullTimeAnnualValue": 0.0,
        "paySpine": "string",
        "payGrade": "string",
        "spinePoint": "string"
  "employmentDetails": {
    "cisSubContractor": true,
    "payrollCode": "string",
    "jobTitle": "string",
    "workplacePostcode": "string",
    "onHold": true,
    "onFurlough": true,
    "furloughStart": "2025-03-06",
    "furloughEnd": "2025-03-06",
    "furloughCalculationBasis": "ActualPaidAmount",
    "furloughCalculationBasisAmount": 0.0,
    "partialFurlough": true,
    "furloughHoursNormallyWorked": 0.0,
    "furloughHoursOnFurlough": 0.0,
    "isApprentice": true,
    "apprenticeshipStartDate": "2025-03-06",
    "apprenticeshipEndDate": "2025-03-06",
    "workingPattern": "string",
    "forcePreviousPayrollCode": "string",
    "starterDetails": {
      "startDate": "2025-03-06",
      "starterDeclaration": "A",
      "overseasEmployerDetails": {
        "overseasEmployer": true,
        "overseasSecondmentStatus": "None",
        "eeaCitizen": true,
        "epm6Scheme": true
      "pensionerPayroll": {
        "inReceiptOfPension": true,
        "bereaved": true,
        "amount": 0.0,
        "startDate": "2025-03-06"
    "directorshipDetails": {
      "isDirector": true,
      "startDate": "2025-03-06",
      "leaveDate": "2025-03-06",
      "niAlternativeMethod": true
    "leaverDetails": {
      "hasLeft": true,
      "leaveDate": "2025-03-06",
      "isDeceased": true,
      "paymentAfterLeaving": true,
      "p45Sent": true,
      "payAccruedBalance": true,
      "paymentMethodAfterLeaving": "RegularPayMethod"
    "cis": {
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        "matchInsteadOfVerify": true,
        "number": "string",
        "date": "2025-03-06",
        "taxStatus": "Gross",
        "verificationRequest": "string",
        "verificationResponse": "error too many levels"
    "department": {
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      "title": "string",
      "color": "string",
      "employeeCount": 0,
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      "hasJournalOverrides": true
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        "name": "string",
        "metadata": {},
        "url": "string"
    "isWorkingInFreePort": true,
    "veteranDetails": {
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      "firstCivilianEmploymentDate": "2025-03-06"
    "continuousEmploymentDate": "2025-03-06",
    "includeSecondedInfoOnStarter": true,
    "isWorkingInInvestmentZone": true
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      "line2": "string",
      "line3": "string",
      "line4": "string",
      "line5": "string",
      "postCode": "string",
      "country": "England",
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    "mobile": "string",
    "dateOfBirth": "2025-03-06",
    "statePensionAge": 0,
    "gender": "Male",
    "niNumber": "string",
    "passportNumber": "string",
    "partnerDetails": {
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      "initials": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "niNumber": "string"
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    "grossNotSubjectToEmployersNi": 0.0,
    "grossNotSubjectToEmployersNiNonRti": 0.0,
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    "realTimeClass1ANiNonRti": 0.0,
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    "flexiDd_Pension": 0.0,
    "flexiDd_Pension_NonTax": 0.0,
    "flexiDd_SeriousIllHealth": 0.0,
    "flexiDd_SeriousIllHealth_NonTax": 0.0,
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    "shppNonRti": 0.0,
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    "ssp": 0.0,
    "sspNonRti": 0.0,
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    "studentLoanRecoveredNonRti": 0.0,
    "postgradLoanRecovered": 0.0,
    "postgradLoanRecoveredNonRti": 0.0,
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    "nonTierablePay": 0.0,
    "employeePensionContribution": 0.0,
    "employeePensionContributionAvc": 0.0,
    "employerPensionContribution": 0.0,
    "empeePenContribnsNotPaid": 0.0,
    "empeePenContribnsPaid": 0.0,
    "attachmentOrderDeductions": 0.0,
    "cisDeduction": 0.0,
    "cisVat": 0.0,
    "cisUmbrellaFee": 0.0,
    "cisUmbrellaFeePostTax": 0.0,
    "pbik": 0.0,
    "mapsMiles": 0,
    "foreignTaxAmount": 0.0,
    "foreignTaxAmountReclaimed": 0.0,
    "umbrellaFee": 0.0,
    "appLevyDeduction": 0.0,
    "paymentAfterLeaving": 0.0,
    "taxOnPaymentAfterLeaving": 0.0,
    "nilPaid": 0,
    "leavers": 0,
    "starters": 0,
    "p45Gross": 0.0,
    "p45Tax": 0.0,
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      "sppRecovered": 0.0,
      "sapRecovered": 0.0,
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      "nicCompensationOnSPP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnSAP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnShPP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnSPBP": 0.0,
      "cisDeductionsSuffered": 0.0,
      "total": 0.0
  "totalsYtd": {
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    "grossNotSubjectToEmployersNi": 0.0,
    "grossNotSubjectToEmployersNiNonRti": 0.0,
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    "studentLoanRecoveredNonRti": 0.0,
    "postgradLoanRecovered": 0.0,
    "postgradLoanRecoveredNonRti": 0.0,
    "pensionableEarnings": 0.0,
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    "nonTierablePay": 0.0,
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    "employeePensionContributionAvc": 0.0,
    "employerPensionContribution": 0.0,
    "empeePenContribnsNotPaid": 0.0,
    "empeePenContribnsPaid": 0.0,
    "attachmentOrderDeductions": 0.0,
    "cisDeduction": 0.0,
    "cisVat": 0.0,
    "cisUmbrellaFee": 0.0,
    "cisUmbrellaFeePostTax": 0.0,
    "pbik": 0.0,
    "mapsMiles": 0,
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    "foreignTaxAmountReclaimed": 0.0,
    "umbrellaFee": 0.0,
    "appLevyDeduction": 0.0,
    "paymentAfterLeaving": 0.0,
    "taxOnPaymentAfterLeaving": 0.0,
    "nilPaid": 0,
    "leavers": 0,
    "starters": 0,
    "p45Gross": 0.0,
    "p45Tax": 0.0,
    "totalCost": 0.0,
    "recoverableAmounts": {
      "taxMonth": 0,
      "smpRecovered": 0.0,
      "sppRecovered": 0.0,
      "sapRecovered": 0.0,
      "shPPRecovered": 0.0,
      "spbpRecovered": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnSMP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnSPP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnSAP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnShPP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnSPBP": 0.0,
      "cisDeductionsSuffered": 0.0,
      "total": 0.0
  "lines": [
      "type": "BasicPay",
      "code": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "secondaryDescription": "string",
      "value": 0.0,
      "multiplier": 0.0,
      "attachmentOrderId": "string",
      "pensionId": "string",
      "loanId": "string",
      "currencySymbol": "string",
      "formattedValue": "string",
      "isNetToGross": true,
      "targetNetToGrossValue": 0.0,
      "leaveId": "string",
      "roleId": "string",
      "isAutoCalculatedBackPayLine": true,
      "isAutomaticBackPay": true,
      "hasSecondaryDescription": true,
      "contributesToBasicPay": true,
      "isNotional": true
  "employerNi": 0.0,
  "employerPensionContribs": 0.0,
  "depts": [
      "key": "string",
      "value": 0.0
  "umbrellaPayment": {
    "payrollCode": "string",
    "chargePerTimesheet": 0.0,
    "invoiceValue": 0.0,
    "mapsMiles": 0,
    "otherExpenses": 0.0,
    "numberOfTimesheets": 0,
    "hoursWorked": 0.0,
    "grossDeduction": 0.0,
    "grossAddition": 0.0
  "costCentres": [
      "key": "string",
      "value": 0.0
  "employeeRoleAnalysisCategoryCodes": [
      "code": "string",
      "color": "string",
      "title": "string",
      "isPrimary": true,
      "weighting": 0.0,
      "analysisCategoryName": "string",
      "analysisCategoryPublicId": "string",
      "employeeRolePublicId": "string",
      "employee": {
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "metadata": {},
        "url": "string"
  "employeeCostCentres": [
      "code": "string",
      "color": "string",
      "title": "string",
      "isPrimary": true,
      "weighting": 0.0,
      "employeeRoleUniqueId": "string",
      "employee": {
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "metadata": {},
        "url": "string"
  "departmentMemberships": [
      "code": "string",
      "color": "string",
      "title": "string",
      "primary": true,
      "weighting": 0.0,
      "employeeRoleUniqueId": "string"
  "pensionContributionsByRole": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "metadata": {},
      "url": "string"
  "employerPensionContributions": [
      "pensionName": "string",
      "contributionAmount": 0.0,
      "contributionPercentage": 0.0,
      "isPercentage": true
Contained in Models
Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -

Payslips Get Payslips
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