
Name / Description Type / Format Example
officeNumber string "string"
payeReference string "string"
accountsOfficeReference string "string"
econ string "string"
utr string "string"
coTax string "string"
employmentAllowance boolean true
You might reduce this from the default if you've made/are making a claim in another system
number double 0.0
smallEmployersRelief boolean true
apprenticeshipLevy boolean true
apprenticeshipLevyAllowance number double 0.0
Set to true if the employer pays HMRC on a quarterly schedule.
A value of false implies a monthly schedule.
Warning: Changing this value after starting PayRuns will
delete any existing payments or adjustments you may have entered.
boolean true
If the employer is not on a QuarterlyPaymentSchedule
and is claiming EmploymentAllowance, then set this to true to include a line for
Employment Allowance on the journal for the monthly schedule.
boolean true
If set to true then any unpaid amounts from previous periods will be brought forward
to work out the liability for the current period.
You'd set this to false if you don't want to track payments.
boolean true
paymentDateRule string "OnPayDate" "OnDayOfWeekAfterPayDate" "OnDayOfMonth"
paymentDateDayOfMonth integer int32 0
The unique id of the object
string uuid "string"
  "officeNumber": "string",
  "payeReference": "string",
  "accountsOfficeReference": "string",
  "econ": "string",
  "utr": "string",
  "coTax": "string",
  "employmentAllowance": true,
  "employmentAllowanceMaxClaim": 0.0,
  "smallEmployersRelief": true,
  "apprenticeshipLevy": true,
  "apprenticeshipLevyAllowance": 0.0,
  "quarterlyPaymentSchedule": true,
  "includeEmploymentAllowanceOnMonthlyJournal": true,
  "carryForwardUnpaidLiabilities": true,
  "paymentDateRule": "OnPayDate",
  "paymentDateDayOfMonth": 0,
  "id": "string"
Contained in Models
Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -

Completing a Pay Run Review and Submit the FPS