
This model is right at the very heart of the software.
There is a PayRun for each period in which people are paid.

Name / Description Type / Format Example
taxYear string "Year2017" "Year2018" "Year2019" "Year2020" "Year2021" "Year2022" "Year2023" "Year2024"
The Tax Month that the Payment Date falls in
integer int32 0
payPeriod string "Custom" "Monthly" "FourWeekly" "Fortnightly" "Weekly" "Daily"
Indicates whether this uses first, second, third (etc.) PaySchedule for this PayPeriod.
integer int32 0
The period (i.e, Tax Week or Tax Month) that this PayRun is for.
integer int32 0
The start date of the period this PayRun covers
string date "2025-02-14"
The end date of the period this PayRun covers
string date "2025-02-14"
The intended date that Employees will be paid, although this can be changed on a per PayRunEntry basis
string date "2025-02-14"
The number of Employees included in this PayRun (including any CIS Subcontractors)
integer int32 0
The number of CIS Subcontractors included in this PayRun
integer int32 0
The number of employees excluded from the RTI submission in this PayRun
integer int32 0
Used to represent totals for a PayRun or PayRunEntry.
If a value is 0 then it will not be shown in the JSON.
PayRunTotals {PayRunTotals}
The scheduled date time for sending payslips by email.
string date "2025-02-14"
state string "Opening" "Open" "ReOpening" "RollingBack" "RolledBack" "SubmittedForProcessing" "Processing" "AwaitingApproval" "Approved" "Finalising" "Finalised" "Deleting"
Set to True if the PayRun is Finalised and changes can no longer be made
boolean true
Set to True if the PayRun is currently rolled back
boolean true
dateClosed string date-time "2025-02-14T15:11:56"
If AutoPilot is enabled in the AutomationSettings for the Employer then this property will tell you when
the payrun will be automatically closed
string date "2025-02-14"
The PayRunEntries that make up this PayRun.
This is populate automatically when you start a PayRun.
Item[] {Item}
  "taxYear": "Year2017",
  "taxMonth": 0,
  "payPeriod": "Custom",
  "ordinal": 0,
  "period": 0,
  "startDate": "2025-02-14",
  "endDate": "2025-02-14",
  "paymentDate": "2025-02-14",
  "employeeCount": 0,
  "subContractorCount": 0,
  "nonRtiEmployeeCount": 0,
  "totals": {
    "basicPay": 0.0,
    "gross": 0.0,
    "grossForNi": 0.0,
    "grossForNiNonRti": 0.0,
    "grossNotSubjectToEmployersNi": 0.0,
    "grossNotSubjectToEmployersNiNonRti": 0.0,
    "grossForTax": 0.0,
    "employerNi": 0.0,
    "employerNiNonRti": 0.0,
    "employeeNi": 0.0,
    "employeeNiNonRti": 0.0,
    "employerNiOffPayroll": 0.0,
    "realTimeClass1ANi": 0.0,
    "realTimeClass1ANiNonRti": 0.0,
    "tax": 0.0,
    "taxNonRti": 0.0,
    "netPay": 0.0,
    "adjustments": 0.0,
    "notionalPay": 0.0,
    "additions": 0.0,
    "deductions": 0.0,
    "takeHomePay": 0.0,
    "nonTaxOrNICPmt": 0.0,
    "itemsSubjectToClass1NIC": 0.0,
    "dednsFromNetPay": 0.0,
    "tcp_Tcls": 0.0,
    "tcp_Pp": 0.0,
    "tcp_Op": 0.0,
    "flexiDd_Death": 0.0,
    "flexiDd_Death_NonTax": 0.0,
    "flexiDd_Pension": 0.0,
    "flexiDd_Pension_NonTax": 0.0,
    "flexiDd_SeriousIllHealth": 0.0,
    "flexiDd_SeriousIllHealth_NonTax": 0.0,
    "smp": 0.0,
    "smpNonRti": 0.0,
    "spp": 0.0,
    "sppNonRti": 0.0,
    "sap": 0.0,
    "sapNonRti": 0.0,
    "shpp": 0.0,
    "shppNonRti": 0.0,
    "spbp": 0.0,
    "spbpNonRti": 0.0,
    "ssp": 0.0,
    "sspNonRti": 0.0,
    "studentLoanRecovered": 0.0,
    "studentLoanRecoveredNonRti": 0.0,
    "postgradLoanRecovered": 0.0,
    "postgradLoanRecoveredNonRti": 0.0,
    "pensionableEarnings": 0.0,
    "pensionablePay": 0.0,
    "nonTierablePay": 0.0,
    "employeePensionContribution": 0.0,
    "employeePensionContributionAvc": 0.0,
    "employerPensionContribution": 0.0,
    "empeePenContribnsNotPaid": 0.0,
    "empeePenContribnsPaid": 0.0,
    "attachmentOrderDeductions": 0.0,
    "cisDeduction": 0.0,
    "cisVat": 0.0,
    "cisUmbrellaFee": 0.0,
    "cisUmbrellaFeePostTax": 0.0,
    "pbik": 0.0,
    "mapsMiles": 0,
    "foreignTaxAmount": 0.0,
    "foreignTaxAmountReclaimed": 0.0,
    "umbrellaFee": 0.0,
    "appLevyDeduction": 0.0,
    "paymentAfterLeaving": 0.0,
    "taxOnPaymentAfterLeaving": 0.0,
    "nilPaid": 0,
    "leavers": 0,
    "starters": 0,
    "p45Gross": 0.0,
    "p45Tax": 0.0,
    "totalCost": 0.0,
    "recoverableAmounts": {
      "taxMonth": 0,
      "smpRecovered": 0.0,
      "sppRecovered": 0.0,
      "sapRecovered": 0.0,
      "shPPRecovered": 0.0,
      "spbpRecovered": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnSMP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnSPP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnSAP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnShPP": 0.0,
      "nicCompensationOnSPBP": 0.0,
      "cisDeductionsSuffered": 0.0,
      "total": 0.0
  "payslipScheduledDateTime": "2025-02-14",
  "state": "Opening",
  "isClosed": true,
  "isRolledBack": true,
  "dateClosed": "2025-02-14T15:11:56",
  "autoPilotCloseDate": "2025-02-14",
  "entries": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "metadata": {},
      "url": "string"
Getting Started The Ordinal property
Completing a Pay Run Start the PayRun
Completing a Pay Run Review the PayRun
Completing a Pay Run Finalise the PayRun
Completing a Pay Run Get Accounting Entries