Review the PayRun

The URL for your PayRun was returned to you when you started your pay run.
Don't worry if you don't have it, it's available by listing your PaySchedules or listing your pay runs.

An Example PayRun

 "taxYear": "Year2018",
 "payPeriod": "Monthly",
 "period": 1,
 "startDate": "2018-03-30",
 "endDate": "2018-04-30",
 "paymentDate": "2018-05-01",
 "employeeCount": 1,
 "totals": {
    "gross": 3000,
    "grossForNi": 11200,
    "employerNi": 317.12,
    "employeeNi": 275.76,
    "tax": 408,
    "takeHomePay": 2316.24,
    "totalCost": 3317.12
 "isClosed": false,
 "entries": [{
  "id": "34e8297e-4711-4951-b3d6-fcc4c0ee1a8d",
  "name": "Mr Benedict Cumberbatch",
  "metadata": {
   "payrollCode": "1",
   "gross": 3000,
   "taxAmount": 408,
   "employeeNi": 275.76,
   "employerNi": 317.12,
   "employerPensionContribution": 0,
   "netPay": 2316.24,
   "takeHomePay": 2316.24,
   "employeeId": "aa13a0ed-fcec-48d1-8371-cf795e9bc51c",
   "paymentDate": "2018-05-01",
   "isLeaver": false,
   "isNewStarter": true
  "url": "/employers/3952f8c3-e373-4049-ad16-c1aff0023560/payrun/Year2018/Monthly/1/34e8297e-4711-4951-b3d6-fcc4c0ee1a8d"

Pay Run Entries

The entries property is an array of Items[] .
There is one entry for each Employee included in this PayRun .
The metaData of the Item gives you enough information to get an overview of the calculations and in many cases this would be sufficient. But for the sake of this guide we'll take a closer look.
The url of the Item points to a PayRunEntry

Pay Run Entry

If you get the pay run entry we can take a closer look.

An Example PayRunEntry

 "taxYear": 2018,
 "taxMonth": 1,
 "startDate": "2018-03-30",
 "endDate": "2018-04-30",
 "percentageOfWorkingDaysPaidAsNormal": 1,
 "workingDaysNotPaidAsNormal": 0,
 "payPeriod": "Monthly",
 "period": 1,
 "isNewStarter": true,
 "unpaidAbsence": false,
 "paymentDate": "2018-05-01",
 "payOptions": {
  "period": "Monthly",
  "payAmount": 3000,
  "basis": "Monthly",
  "payAmountMultiplier": 0,
  "autoAdjustForLeave": true,
  "method": "Credit",
  "taxAndNi": {
   "niTable": "A",
   "secondaryClass1NotPayable": false,
   "postgradLoan": false,
   "studentLoan": "None",
   "taxCode": "1150L",
   "week1Month1": false
  "fpsFields": {
   "irregularPaymentPattern": false,
   "nonIndividual": false,
   "hoursNormallyWorked": "MoreThan30"
 "employee": {
  "id": "aa13a0ed-fcec-48d1-8371-cf795e9bc51c",
  "name": "Benedict Cumberbatch",
  "url": ""
 "totals": {
  "basicPay": 3000,
  "gross": 3000,
  "grossForNi": 3000,
  "grossForTax": 3000,
  "employerNi": 317.12,
  "employeeNi": 275.76,
  "tax": 408,
  "netPay": 2316.24,
  "takeHomePay": 2316.24,
  "totalCost": 3317.12
 "totalsYtd": {},
 "isClosed": true,
 "nationalInsuranceCalculation": {
  "earningsUptoIncludingLEL": 503,
  "earningsAboveLELUptoIncludingPT": 199,
  "earningsAbovePTUptoIncludingST": 0,
  "earningsAboveSTUptoIncludingUEL": 2298,
  "earningsAboveUEL": 0,
  "employeeNiGross": 275.76,
  "employeeNiRebate": 0,
  "employerNiGross": 317.12,
  "employerNiRebate": 0,
  "employeeNi": 275.76,
  "employerNi": 317.12,
  "netNi": 592.88
 "payrollCodeChanged": false,
 "aeNotEnroledWarning": false,
 "personalDetails": {
  "address": {
   "line1": "221B Baker St",
   "line2": "Marylebone",
   "line3": "London",
   "postCode": "NW1 6XE",
   "country": "England"
  "maritalStatus": "Married",
  "firstName": "Benedict",
  "lastName": "Cumberbatch",
  "dateOfBirth": "1976-07-19",
  "statePensionAge": 67,
  "gender": "Male",
  "niNumber": "JM888888A"
 "employmentDetails": {
  "cisSubContractor": false,
  "payrollCode": "1",
  "starterDetails": {
   "startDate": "2017-01-01",
   "starterDeclaration": 0

Let's look at some of these properties.

You should already be familiar with the payOptions property from earlier in this guide. You can make changes to it here without it effecting the underlying Employee record. So if you want to make changes to this persons pay just for this pay run then this is the place to do it.
Whenever you update the PayOptions the relevant tax and NI figures will be immediately recalculated.
This is the date the Employee is going to be/has been paid. It defaults to the payment date for the pay run but you can change it on a per-PayRunEntry basis.
The above two properties are the only values you can change, the rest are read-only.

This is an Item that refers back to the Employee that this PayRunEntry refers to.
This gives you a breakdown of how the employerNi and employeeNi figures were calculated.
This property gives the total values for this PayRunEntry, such as the gross amount, tax amount, etc. Any values that are 0 are not included.
This is the same as totals, but instead gives you the running total for the employee for this tax year, excluding the current period. As this is the first entry for this employee in this tax year, all values are zero so therefore not included.
This is mirrored from the Employee record. So to change any values you should update the Employee, not the PayRunEntry. Once the PayRunEntry is closed a snapshot is taken from the Employee record and stored with the PayRunEntry. Any future changes to the Employee record will NOT be reflected here.
As above for personalDetails
The other fields are mainly for use in the Fps that is created and submitted to HMRC.