Review Year End Changes

It's not so much a process as it is an API call to apply the required changes.

Review Changes

The Review Year End Changes API call returns a YearEnd model which details the changes that will be automatically made.


An example YearEnd response
 "endingYear": 2017,
 "startingYear": 2018,
 "createEps": true,
 "createExb": true,
 "taxCodeChanges": [{
  "employee": {
   "id": "aa13a0ed-fcec-48d1-8371-cf795e9bc51c",
   "name": "Mr Benedict Cumberbatch",
   "metadata": {
    "payrollCode": "1",
    "period": "Monthly",
    "basicPay": 3000
   "url": "/employers/3952f8c3-e373-4049-ad16-c1aff0023560/employee/aa13a0ed-fcec-48d1-8371-cf795e9bc51c"
  "currentCode": "1150L",
  "newCode": "1185L"
 "removeWeek1Month1": [{
  "id": "aa13a0ed-fcec-48d1-8371-cf795e9bc51c",
  "name": "Mr Benedict Cumberbatch",
  "metadata": {
   "payrollCode": "1",
   "period": "Monthly",
   "basicPay": 3000
  "url": "/employers/3952f8c3-e373-4049-ad16-c1aff0023560/employee/aa13a0ed-fcec-48d1-8371-cf795e9bc51c"
 "emailP60": [
      "id": "aa13a0ed-fcec-48d1-8371-cf795e9bc51c",
      "name": "Mr Benedict Cumberbatch",
      "metadata": {
        "payrollCode": "1",
        "status": "Current",
        "email": ""
      "url": "/employers/3952f8c3-e373-4049-ad16-c1aff0023560/employees/aa13a0ed-fcec-48d1-8371-cf795e9bc51c"

Let's explore what each of these properties are telling you.

The TaxYear that will be ended
The TaxYear that will be started
If you've not already created an Eps to indicate your final submission then this will be set to True and we'll create one for you.
If you've not already created an Exb to submit a P11D(B) and related P11Ds, and we determine that one is required, then this will be set to True and we'll create it for you.
This is an array of YearEndTaxCodeChanges[] .
There is an entry for every Employee that will have its payOptions.taxCode changed.
currentCode is the current Tax Code for the Employee.
newCode is what the Tax Code will be changed to.
employee is an Item which refers to the Employee that will have its Tax Code updated.
This is an array of Items[] .
There is an entry for each Employee that will have its payOptions.week1Month1 property set to False.
This is an array of Items[] .
There is an entry for each Employee that will be sent a P60 PDF by email.
This should include all employees that have an email address and have been paid at some point during the year but haven't yet left (in which case they've have received a P45).
This is an array of Items[] .
There is an entry for each Employee that will be sent an annual CIS Statement.
This should include all CIS subcontractors that have been paid at some point during the year.