
Name / Description Type / Format Example
The content-type, this would usually be the same as the accept header you provided when you requested the report
string "string"
This could contain a link to a PDF file, HTML content or other content, depending on the Type value.
string "string"
A more comprehensive P11 Report.
Our Reports API can return this to you in several formats including as a PDF file
If you request a JSON object then it is represented using this model.
P11Detailed {P11Detailed}
byte array
string byte "string"
  "type": "string",
  "content": "string",
  "model": {
    "employerName": "string",
    "payrollCode": "string",
    "employerOfficeNo": "string",
    "employerPayeRef": "string",
    "firstname": "string",
    "middlename": "string",
    "surname": "string",
    "niNumber": "string",
    "taxCode": "string",
    "dateOfBirth": "2025-03-06",
    "joinDate": "2025-03-06",
    "leaveDate": "2025-03-06",
    "isDirector": true,
    "niAndStatPaymentsLines": [
        "date": "2025-03-06",
        "period": "string",
        "monthNumber": "string",
        "weekNumber": "string",
        "smp": 0.0,
        "spp": 0.0,
        "sap": 0.0,
        "shpp": 0.0,
        "ssp": 0.0,
        "spbp": 0.0,
        "class1a": 0.0,
        "niValues": {
          "table": "string",
          "earningsAtLel": 0.0,
          "earningsAboveLelToPt": 0.0,
          "earningsAbovePtToUap": 0.0,
          "earningsAboveUapToUel": 0.0,
          "earningsAbovePtToUel": 0.0,
          "employeeNics": 0.0,
          "employerNics": 0.0,
          "employeeAndEmployerNics": 0.0
        "taxCode": "string"
    "totalsLine": {
      "toLel": 0.0,
      "lelToPt": 0.0,
      "ptToUel": 0.0,
      "eesAndErs": 0.0,
      "ees": 0.0,
      "class1A": 0.0,
      "ssp": 0.0,
      "smp": 0.0,
      "spp": 0.0,
      "shpp": 0.0,
      "sap": 0.0,
      "spbp": 0.0
    "niSummary": [
        "table": "string",
        "earningsAtLel": 0.0,
        "earningsAboveLelToPt": 0.0,
        "earningsAbovePtToUap": 0.0,
        "earningsAboveUapToUel": 0.0,
        "earningsAbovePtToUel": 0.0,
        "employeeNics": 0.0,
        "employerNics": 0.0,
        "employeeAndEmployerNics": 0.0
    "payeLines": [
        "date": "2025-03-06",
        "period": "string",
        "monthNumber": "string",
        "weekNumber": "string",
        "grossTaxablePay": 0.0,
        "grossTaxablePayYTD": 0.0,
        "tax": 0.0,
        "taxYTD": 0.0,
        "studentLoan": 0.0,
        "postgradLoan": 0.0,
        "taxCode": "string"
    "payeTotalsLine": {
      "studentLoan": 0.0,
      "postgradLoan": 0.0,
      "pay": 0.0,
      "totalPayToDate": 0.0,
      "taxDueToDate": 0.0,
      "taxDue": 0.0
    "payeSummary": {
      "previousEmploymentPay": 0.0,
      "previousEmploymentTax": 0.0,
      "thisEmploymentPay": 0.0,
      "thisEmploymentTax": 0.0,
      "totalPayForYear": 0.0,
      "totalTaxForYear": 0.0
    "report": "GrossToNet",
    "taxYear": "Year2017",
    "title": "string",
    "isDraft": true
  "stream": "string"
Contained in Models

- none -

Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations
P11 (Detailed)