
Used to represent Leave, including Holiday and Statutory leave (such as Maternity Leave)

Name / Description Type / Format Example
providerId string "SmartPension_Employer" "SmartPension_Adviser" "PeoplesPension" "Xero" "Qbo" "Sage" "Nest" "Cashplus" "BreatheHr" "KashFlow" "FreeAgent" "FreeAgentPm" "Modulr" "Square" "Cezanne" "Ciphr" "Telleroo" "WeWorked" "RotaCloud" "Quinyx" "Csod" "Planday" "Starling" "Deputy" "Bottomline" "Twinfield" "MyePayWindow" "IFinance" "AccountsIQ" "EPaySlips" "NetSuite"
If the Leave comes from an ExternalDataProvider, then this is its Id in the ExternalDataProvider
string "string"
type string "Unauthorised" "Holiday" "Sick" "Maternity" "Paternity" "Adoption" "SharedParental" "Bereavement" "SharedParentalAdoption" "PaternityAdoption" "StrikeAction"
pay string "DoNotPay" "PayAsUsual" "StatutoryPay" "OccupationalPolicy" "Custom"
payFrequency string "DaysInPeriod" "WeeksInPeriod"
payRunExistsWithStatPay boolean true
The first day of Leave.
If it's a half day PM then set the time portion to 12:00:00, otherwise leave it blank or set it to 00:00:00
string date-time "2025-03-06T19:26:24"
The last day of Leave.
If it's a half day AM then set the time portion to 11:59:59, otherwise set it to 23:59:59
string date-time "2025-03-06T19:26:24"
A free-form text field to record any comments
string "string"
The employees average weekly earnings. Only relevant for Statutory Pay
It's advised that you don't try to calculate this yourself.
number double 0.0
If set to True then we'll automatically calculate the AverageWeeklyEarnings.
Set it to false if you want to manually provide a figure that overrides our calculations
boolean true
Only required for Parental Leave with Statutory Pay
If Type is Maternity or Paternity then this is the date the baby is due.
For Adoption this is the Matching Date.
string date "2025-03-06"
Only used for Parental Leave with Statutory Pay
If Type is Maternity, Paternity, SharedParental (Birth) then this is the the Baby Born Date.
For Adoption or SharedParental (Adoption) this is the Expected Placement Date.
string date "2025-03-06"
Only used for Parental Leave with Statutory Pay
If Type is Adoption this is the Placement Date.
string date "2025-03-06"
If Pay is StatutoryPay and you want to override our description that goes with the payment then set this to true
boolean true
If OverridePaymentDescription is true and Pay is set to StatutoryPay then we'll use this as the description for the payment amount.
string "string"
The number of working days covered by this leave.
This is calculated based on the employees Working Pattern.
number double 0.0
If a value is provided here then this will be used in place of the calculated WorkingDays value
number double 0.0
The number of days covered by this leave, regardless of whether or not they're working days.
This is calculated based on the employees Working Pattern.
number double 0.0
If a value is provided here then this will be used in place of the calculated TotalDays value
number double 0.0
If this Leave has Statutory Pay then if this is set to True
we will use the value set in AssumedPensionablePay to work out the employer pension contributions
boolean true
if UseAssumedPensionablePay is True, then this is the value used to calculate the employer pension contributions
LeaveAssumedPensionablePay[] {LeaveAssumedPensionablePay}
If this Leave has Statutory Pay and this is set to True and the employe eis paid a fixed amoutn per period
with Leave Adjustments set to automatic, then we'll reduce their pay for the period by the statutory amount
so the employee still gets paid the full amount.
boolean true
If this is Sick Leave with Statutory Pay then setting this to true
will force SSP to be paid from day one rather than the usual rule
of the first Working Day after 3 Qualifying Days
boolean true
Linked Period of Incapacity for Work.
If you record Sick Leave and select Statutory Pay then any other Sick Leave with Statutory Pay
lasting 4 or more days in the previous 8 weeks will be linked to it
LinkedPiw {LinkedPiw}
If the LeaveType supports KIT/SPLIT days then use this property to store the list of dates
Only used during the creation of historical SSP.
When creating historical SSP, this will determine whether to pay that leave in the next PayRun.
boolean true
Used during to determine whether to back pay before current payrun
boolean true
Opening pay which has already been paid to the employee in another system
number double 0.0
Use the OpeningPay which has already been paid in another system
boolean true
Only used during the creation of sickness Occupational Policy.
When creating historical SOP, this will determine whether to pay that leave in the next PayRun.
boolean true
Only used during the creation and update of occupational maternity leaves.
When creating or updating historical occupational leaves, this will determine whether to pay the historic payments or correction in the next PayRun.
boolean true
Only used during the creation and update of statutory maternity leaves.
When creating or updating historical statutory maternity leaves, this will determine whether to pay the historic payments or correction in the next PayRun.
boolean true
Occupational Maternity Policy Id when leave type is Maternity and payment type is occupational policy
string uuid "string"
Opening occupational pay which has already been paid to the employee
number double 0.0
Indicates whether there is occupational maternity payment associated with a leave in the current pay run.
boolean true
calculationType string "OneThreeSixtyFifthFTE" "OneThreeSixtyFifthProRata" "UsualProRata" "OneFifthOrWorkingPattern" "SpecifyHours"
The number of hours to be deducted at the employee's contractual rate
This property is valid for strike deducted hours
number double 0.0
If this is Sick Leave with Custom Payment, then this stores the RoleId, PercentOfPay and PaySSPInAddition for each
role assigned to an employee that did not end before the start date of the absence.
LeaveCustomPayment[] {LeaveCustomPayment}
If this is a Leave that supports changing the pro rata at leave level,
This stores the RoleId and ProRataMethod for each
role assigned to an employee that did not end before the start date of the absence.
LeaveCustomProRataRule[] {LeaveCustomProRataRule}
Last Processed From Date
If this Leave has already been processed,
this will be the original leave from date
string date "2025-03-06"
If the reversal of this Leave has already been processed,
this will be set to true
boolean true
The number of attachments associated with this model
integer int32 0
The attachments associated with this model
Item[] {Item}
employee Item {Item}
The unique id of the object
string uuid "string"
  "providerId": "SmartPension_Employer",
  "externalId": "string",
  "type": "Unauthorised",
  "pay": "DoNotPay",
  "payFrequency": "DaysInPeriod",
  "payRunExistsWithStatPay": true,
  "from": "2025-03-06T19:26:24",
  "to": "2025-03-06T19:26:24",
  "notes": "string",
  "averageWeeklyEarnings": 0.0,
  "automaticAWECalculation": true,
  "babyDate": "2025-03-06",
  "secondaryBabyDate": "2025-03-06",
  "tertiaryBabyDate": "2025-03-06",
  "overridePaymentDescription": true,
  "overridenPaymentDescription": "string",
  "workingDays": 0.0,
  "workingDaysOverride": 0.0,
  "totalDays": 0.0,
  "totalDaysOverride": 0.0,
  "useAssumedPensionablePay": true,
  "assumedPensionablePays": [
      "roleReference": "string",
      "roleId": "string",
      "isPrimary": true,
      "assumedPensionablePay": 0.0,
      "automaticAPPCalculation": true,
      "id": "string"
  "offsetPay": true,
  "sspPayFromDayOne": true,
  "linkedPiw": {
    "result": "Success",
    "id": "string",
    "averageWeeklyEarnings": 0.0,
    "workingDays": 0.0,
    "totalDays": 0.0,
    "sspFirstPayDay": "2025-03-06",
    "sspFirstDay": "2025-03-06"
  "kitSplitDays": [
  "historicSspRequiresProcessing": true,
  "historicSxpRequiresProcessing": true,
  "openingPay": 0.0,
  "useOpeningPay": true,
  "historicOspRequiresProcessing": true,
  "historicOmpRequiresProcessing": true,
  "historicSmpRequiresProcessing": true,
  "occupationalMaternityPolicyUniqueId": "string",
  "openingOmpPay": 0.0,
  "payRunExistsWithOccMaternityPay": true,
  "calculationType": "OneThreeSixtyFifthFTE",
  "strikeHoursToDeduct": 0.0,
  "customPayments": [
      "roleId": "string",
      "percentOfPay": 0.0,
      "paySSPInAddition": true
  "customProRataRules": [
      "roleId": "string",
      "proRataMethod": "WorkingPattern"
  "lastProcessedFrom": "2025-03-06",
  "isReversed": true,
  "documentCount": 0,
  "documents": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "metadata": {},
      "url": "string"
  "employee": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "metadata": {},
    "url": "string"
  "id": "string"
Contained in Models

- none -

Returned by Operations
Get Leave
Update Leave