
Represents a User Account.
As well as basic details about the user it also includes details of Employers that the user account can access.

Name / Description Type / Format Example
category string "ActiveTrialist" "AgedActiveTrialist" "LapsedTrialist" "ActiveCustomer" "LapsedCustomer" "SubUser" "AgedActiveTrialistAndSubUser" "InternalUser"
emailAddress string email "string"
If the user has requested to change their email address then the
address it'll be changed to after verification will be shown here.
string email "string"
firstName string "string"
lastName string "string"
salutation string "string"
userIdentifier string "string"
photo string "string"
photoSasUrl string "string"
role string "Admin" "Editor" "Reviewer" "PayrollClientApprover" "PayrollClientEditor" "PayrollClientReviewer"
jobType string "BusinessOwner" "PayrollManager" "Accountant" "Developer" "SoftwareVendor" "Other"
jobTitle string "string"
telephoneNumber string "string"
businessName string "string"
industry string "NotSpecified" "Agriculture" "Apparel" "Banking" "Biotechnology" "Chemicals" "Communication" "Construction" "Consulting" "Education" "Engineering" "Entertainment" "Environmental" "Finance" "FoodAndBeverage" "Government" "Healthcare" "Hospitality" "Insurance" "Legal" "Machinery" "Manufacturing" "Media" "NotForProfit" "Other" "Recreation" "Retail" "Shipping" "Technology" "Telecommunications" "Transportation" "Utilities"
address Address {Address}
statedEmployeeCount integer int32 0
emailVerified boolean true
emailVerificationKey string uuid "string"
gdprOptin boolean true
inviteCode string "string"
registrationIp string "string"
registrationDate string date "2025-03-06"
lastLogin string date "2025-03-06"
isActivated boolean true
This model provides information about what the User is able to access.
This would usually just be a list of Employers. But if the user is an administrator for a White Label instance then this will be shown in the list of Tenants.
UserAuthorization {UserAuthorization}
isSuperAdmin boolean true
canUseBureauFeatures boolean true
canUseBetaFeatures boolean true
Indicates whether the user has permission to use the report writer feature.
boolean true
canUseRefactoredAeRoutines boolean true
isBilledInNetSuite boolean true
The Tenant model represents the brand that provides the account.
This is used by our White Label partners to manage and brand their user accounts.
Unless you are an admin for a White Label account you'll have no interest in this model.
Tenant {Tenant}
If true then the user is required to set up a direct debit mandate
boolean true
If true then any employers the owner managed will not be able to run new payruns.
DisabledReason will give a reason why the account is disabled
boolean true
If false then the user cannot create new employers.
This can be turned on or off by the tenant admin.
boolean true
disabledReason string "string"
directDebitMandate DirectDebitMandate {DirectDebitMandate}
displayPrefs UserDisplayPreferences {UserDisplayPreferences}
Whether or not the user can see bills. This will be false if the Tenant manages billing and the user is not an admin for the Tenant
boolean true
Used internally to manage billing
string "string"
pricingTableId string uuid "string"
utmInfo UtmInfo {UtmInfo}
firstBillableActivityDate string date "2025-03-06"
If an email address is provided here then Bureau-related notifications will go to this address instead of the EmailAddress
string email "string"
monthlyMinimum MonthlyMinimum {MonthlyMinimum}
Flag to keep the user up-to-date with any API changes and inform about upcoming breaking changes.
boolean true
If true then the user will not have login permissions
boolean true
Indicates whether the user is a bureau member.
boolean true
The unique id of the object
string uuid "string"
  "category": "ActiveTrialist",
  "emailAddress": "string",
  "pendingEmailAddress": "string",
  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "salutation": "string",
  "userIdentifier": "string",
  "photo": "string",
  "photoSasUrl": "string",
  "role": "Admin",
  "jobType": "BusinessOwner",
  "jobTitle": "string",
  "telephoneNumber": "string",
  "businessName": "string",
  "industry": "NotSpecified",
  "address": {
    "line1": "string",
    "line2": "string",
    "line3": "string",
    "line4": "string",
    "line5": "string",
    "postCode": "string",
    "country": "England",
    "foreignCountry": "string"
  "statedEmployeeCount": 0,
  "emailVerified": true,
  "emailVerificationKey": "string",
  "gdprOptin": true,
  "inviteCode": "string",
  "registrationIp": "string",
  "registrationDate": "2025-03-06",
  "lastLogin": "2025-03-06",
  "isActivated": true,
  "authorization": {
    "employers": [
        "isOwner": true,
        "role": "Admin",
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "metadata": {},
        "url": "string"
    "tenants": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "metadata": {},
        "url": "string"
  "isSuperAdmin": true,
  "canUseBureauFeatures": true,
  "canUseBetaFeatures": true,
  "canUseReportWriter": true,
  "canUseRefactoredAeRoutines": true,
  "isBilledInNetSuite": true,
  "tenant": {
    "brandCode": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "homeUrl": "string",
    "headContent": "string",
    "logOutUrl": "string",
    "loginImgUrl": "string",
    "homeImgUrl": "string",
    "favIcon": "string",
    "cssColorsFile": "string",
    "cssFile": "string",
    "mailingList": true,
    "htmlInsertions": [
        "insertionPoint": "CreateEmployer",
        "content": "string"
    "mailSettings": {
      "senderName": "string",
      "senderEmail": "string",
      "useSystemFromAddress": true,
      "senderEmailVerified": true,
      "customiseSmtpSettings": true,
      "smtpSettings": {
        "smtpServer": "string",
        "smtpPort": 0,
        "encryption": "Auto",
        "smtpUsername": "string",
        "smtpPassword": "string"
      "customiseHtmlEmailSettings": true,
      "htmlEmailSettings": {
        "bodyCssStyle": "string",
        "fontCssStyle": "string",
        "buttonCssStyle": "string",
        "headerHtml": "string",
        "footerHtml": "string"
      "id": "string"
    "signupUrl": "string",
    "termsUrl": "string",
    "helpUrl": "string",
    "supportEmail": "string",
    "newUserSignupEmail": "string",
    "approveNewUsers": true,
    "enableBureauFeatures": true,
    "requireDdMandateBeforeAllowingBillableActivity": true,
    "whiteLabelMode": true,
    "enableReportWriterFeature": true,
    "disableEvc": true,
    "tenantOwnsBilling": true,
    "billingSettings": {
      "discount": 0.0,
      "monthlyMinimum": 0.0,
      "aggregatedPricing": true,
      "billTo": "string",
      "pricingTable": "string",
      "netSuiteDefaultItemCode": "string",
      "netSuiteDefaultDescription": "string"
    "usersCanManageAccountSecuritySettings": true,
    "id": "string"
  "requestDdSetup": true,
  "disabled": true,
  "canCreateEmployers": true,
  "disabledReason": "string",
  "directDebitMandate": {
    "isCompleted": true,
    "mandateLink": "string",
    "customerLink": "string",
    "bankName": "string",
    "accountNumberEnding": "string",
    "id": "string"
  "displayPrefs": {
    "startPage": "Dashboard",
    "showZeroes": true,
    "showTaxCodeWhenViewingPayrunEntry": true,
    "allowJournalResubmit": true,
    "hideSalaryOnEmployeeIndexPage": true,
    "enableMultiEmployerImport": true,
    "enableCovid19Features": true,
    "hidePayslipCheckboxes": true,
    "hidePayslipSearchAndSort": true,
    "showYtdInPayslipView": true,
    "enableDpsXmlUpload": true,
    "enableRtiTimestampOverride": true,
    "enablePayrunWarnings": true,
    "enableWorkingDaysOverrides": true,
    "enablePayrunPagination": true,
    "dontHideFpsEmployeeList": true
  "showBills": true,
  "accountingCustomerId": "string",
  "pricingTableId": "string",
  "utmInfo": {
    "source": "string",
    "medium": "string",
    "term": "string",
    "content": "string",
    "campaign": "string"
  "firstBillableActivityDate": "2025-03-06",
  "bureauNotificationEmailAddress": "string",
  "monthlyMinimum": {
    "enabled": true,
    "amount": 0.0,
    "startDate": "2025-03-06",
    "endDate": "2025-03-06",
    "billPastEndDate": true
  "apiMailingEnabled": true,
  "loginDisabled": true,
  "isBureauMember": true,
  "id": "string"