Umbrella Payslip

You can produce Umbrella Statements giving a full breakdown for one or many periods from the Reports area, but you may want to include details of the invoice amount, fee, etc on the payslip itself.

First ensure you have the Umbrella Settings enabled, then click the employer name in the main menu and go to Settings -> Payslip Customisation.

Tick the box to say you want to customise the payslip. You'll then see a tick box to enable "Umbrella Format".

Enabling this will add an extra section to the top of the payslip detailing the invoice amount plus any employer costs (NI, Pension) and any other deductions such as the Apprenticeship Levy and you fee.

Due to the extra space required we recommend also setting the paper to be A4 Portrait rather than the default A5 Landscape.

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