Emailed Payslips

If you provide email addresses for your employees then you can choose to have payslips automatically emailed to them.

Employee Settings

If you provide an email address for an employee then a checkbox appears asking if you want the payslips to be automatically emailed when the pay run is finalised.

There is also an option to password protect the PDF for GDPR compliance.

If you set this option then the the payslip PDF will require a password in order to view it.

You can specify a password to use which you'd need to separately communicate to the employee or you can let us build a password.

If you let us build the password then the details for it are included in the body of the email as follows:

PDF Password
The password for the attached PDF is your first and last initials followed by your date of birth.
So if your name is Michael Caine and your date of birth is 14th March 1933 then your password would be MC19330314.

Finalising the Pay Run

When you finalise the pay run, there is a checkbox to confirm that you want all of the payslips emails to be sent. It is ticked by default.

If you want to then you can untick this box and the emails will not be sent.

(Re)sending Payslip Emails

If you suppressed the sending of emails when you finalised the pay run then you may want to send them at a later point.

When you view the details of a finalised pay run you'll see a button to resend the payslips.

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