Pay Codes

The list of Pay Codes is accessed by clicking the employer name in the main menu and going to Settings -> Pay Codes.
The screen is divided into three tabs.

Custom Codes

This is where you manage any bespoke codes you wish to set up. Typically these would be for commission, bonuses or anything you want to track separately to basic pay. You should not set up codes for SSP or other statutory pay types as these have already been set up as System Codes.

Create a new code by clicking the "Add New" button or edit an existing code by clicking on it.


You can use anything you like as the Code although it must be unique.


Any lines using this code will, by default, be described as this on the payslip.


Select whether this code is an addition or deduction.



Selecting 'Fixed Amount' will allow you to enter an exact amount to add/deduct when you add this code to a payslip.
Or you can choose 'Multiple of Hourly Rate' to set 1 code that pays 1x, 2x, etc of the employees base hourly rate - ie, for overtime payments.
Alternatively we can automatically calculate a percentage of Net or Gross pay.

Default Value (optional)

If you choose to you can enter a default value for this code.
Then, whenever you add it as a new line to a payslip, the value will be automatically filled for you


If the calculation is set to 'Fixed Amount' then you can choose to set this code to be a multiple of hours or days.
Leave it set to None and you just enter the amount to add or deduct. Choose hours or days and you'll get to provide a daily/hourly rate and set the number of days/hours to pay for.

If the Calculation is set to 'Multiplier of Hourly Rate' then you'll instead be asked to enter the multiplier value. For example you'd enter '2' to pay the employee double their usual rate.

Subject to

Tick the boxes to make additions/deduction assigned to this code subject to Tax and/or NI or to include them in calculations for pensionable pay.

Attachment Orders

This is relevant if any of your employees have Attachment Orders. Only pay that is attachable is used to calculate deductions. If in doubt, tick this box.

System Codes

You cannot edit these codes.
They are used by the software for very specific purposes which can be inferred from their names.

Control Codes

These codes cannot be edited.
They are used when working out the resulting accounting entries from a pay run

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