Import Hours Worked from TimeMoto

Vendors Timemoto

TimeMoto is a cloud-based Time and Attendance system.

You can export the time worked by employees as a CSV file and import it here to set the amount to pay your employees.


TimeMoto only gives us the hours worked, not how much to pay per hour. So first make sure that each employee has their hourly rate set in their pay options. You can leave the number of hours set to zero.

Now start a new pay run. You should see that your employees have been added but the gross pay is zero,

Importing Data

At the bottom left of the pay run page you will see a button labeled "Import Payments". Click it.

From the options provided choose to import from TimeMoto

You will be presented with a number of different options.

Payroll Code Field

One of your fields in TimeMoto must match the payroll code for your employees. Select which field to use,


CSV files typically have their values separated with a comma, but TimeMoto tend to use a semi-colon.

Payroll Timemoto

Pay For Breaks

TimeMoto provides us with two values for the time worked, one for the total duration and another for the total duration less time spent on breaks. Choose which you'd like to pay for

Date Range

Your file may contain time worked outside of the dates this pay run is for. If that's the case then choose to pay for that date range and any other entries will be excluded.


Finally you need to select the file to upload.

Once you're all set you can click the "Preview Import" button.

You'll be shown the employees that were found in the file along with the total number of hours worked and how much they'll be paid

If you're happy with what you see then click "Import Data" and your pay run will be updated.


  • Any employees found in the file that aren't included on the pay run (that is, we couldn't find an employee with a matching payroll code) will be highlighted to you on the preview page.
  • If you receive an error that a header field wasn't found, this can often be due to an encoding issue with the file. Open it in a plain text editor such as Notepad in Windows. Save it with a different file name and re-attempt your import.
  • If on the preview page you see a number of hours worked but the total amount to be paid is zero, this will be because you didn't set the hourly rate for the employee. You can set it for the current pay run and re-run the import. You should also update it for the employee to save you having to do it for every pay run.

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