
You can mark an employee as a Leaver by going to their record under the main Employees section.

Switch to the "Employment" sub tab and tick the box to indicate that the employee has left. You'll be asked to provide a leaving date.


Once marked as a leaver you'll be able to produce a P45 for the employee.

This is accessible from a number of places:

  • The Employee page once the employee has left
  • Under the main Reports section
  • From the Finalised page of the employees final pay run.

If an email address has been provided for the employee then you'll have the option to email the P45. If you do this from within the system then we'll automatically check the box to say the P45 has been sent. Otherwise you'll need to manually tick it once you've provided a P45

Multiple Leavers

If you have multiple people all leaving on the same date then there is a way to do this quickly.

Under the main Employee section tick the box to the right of each employee you want to mark as a leaver.

At the bottom of a page a drop-down will appear where you can choose an action.
Choose to mark the employees as leavers.
You are asked for a leaving date and can also choose to have the P45 automatically emailed.

Payment After Leaving

If you need to pay the employee after they have left, there is a specific way to do this. Read the Payment After Leaving page.

Need more help? Email hello@staffology.co.uk