Import or Map Employees

Once you have connected to a HR platform you can import employees and/or map HR employees to existing employees.

Click 'Employees' in the main menu. Click the "HR" button at the top of the page to see all employees that are in the HR platform.

Import Employees

If the HR platform contains enough information then you can import employees in bulk without having to add extra data.
Tick the box to the right of the employees you wish to import and then click the "Import Selected" button at the bottom of the page.

Alternatively you can import employees individually by clicking on them, leaving the status set to "Import" and clicking the "Update" button. If essential data such as date of birth or joining date are missing then you will be asked to provide this information./p>
The employees are imported, records are created in the payroll software and the HR employee is mapped to the payroll employee.

Map to Existing Employees

You may already have a record in the payroll software for the employee. In which case you can click the employee, change the status to 'Mapped' and select the relevant employee.

Ignore Employees

If there are employees in the HR platform that you don't wish to process payroll for you can simply set their status to "Ignored". You can easily change this status later if you need to.

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