Adding Employees

There are a number of different ways to add employees.
Options include importing them from a CSV file, an FPS, or even an external HR system.

This page tells you how to manually enter details for a new employee via the user interface.

Click on the main "Employees" menu item.

You'll see a button to add a new employee.

You can either add employees using a Wizard that will take you through a couple of steps of by filling in the main page.
The option that appears when you click the button depends on what you last used as the system remembers your preference.

In any case there should be a clear option to switch to/from the Wizard and full page options


Fill in the details requested on the first screen of the Wizard.

You're asked which type of employee you're adding (director, apprentice, etc).

The option you choose determines the information asked for on the following page.

After completing the second step you're taken to the Employees details page where you can add further information.

Full Page

If you prefer not to use the Wizard then you can go straight to creating the employee by filling out the full page of details.

You can switch between tabs to add more information without having to save the page for each tab.

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