Temporary Workers

Often not all employees are paid in every pay period. There are two ways to handle temporary workers.

On Hold

Perhaps the simplest method is to mark an employee as On-Hold. This can be done on their employee record by ticking the relevant box under the Employment sub tab.

If an employee is marked as On Hold then they wont appear in pay runs or on your FPS.

Note that if you've already started a pay run and the employee has a non-zero amount on their payslip then they wont be removed. You'd need to zero-ise their payslip first.


Alternatively, if your pay run has a mix of people that are being paid and some that aren't then you'll see filters appear at the top of the page.

This enables you to quickly switch between viewing all employees, those that have an amount paid to them and those currently with zero paid.

This is the easiest option if you don't want to worry about regularly toggling an On Hold status or still want to include employees on your FPS.

Include or Exclude from FPS

By default all employees on a pay run are reported to HMRC on a FPS. Even those that haven't been paid anything. You can change this to exclude unpaid employees by clicking the employer name in the main menu, choosing "Edit Details" and then going to the "RTI" sub tab.

Tick the box to "Exclude Nil Paid"

Irregular Payment Pattern

You may need to include the Irregular Payment Pattern indicator for an employee on the FPS.

You enable this ont he employee record by going to their "Pay Options" sub tab, then "Other" and ticking the relevant box.

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